I played it for a good 6 months when it first came out, I found it really good until I maxxed my character, then it became very boring, just pvp'ing in the same places over and over and over, i suppose not too different than other MMO's. It is the best free to play mmo out,give it a go, a solid game.
That's exactly what killed me, the end game. You get to a stage where all you do is just PVP in the same damn battlegrounds or wait to do the same damn dungeons/raids to get better gear. That's the main problem with MMOs, it all devolves into a grind towards the end, just trying to get better gear to one up someone else
And then the MMO that was supposed to change it all, Guild Wars 2 came out. Yes, there is less emphasis on getting items to win, and the PvP is much more skill based, but I dunno what it is...I just find the combat boring as all hell! I dunno how that game got such great ratings! Look I know I'm probably just the odd man out here, but I actually like the Holy Trinity of Tank, Damage Dealer, Healer. It makes sense, it brings about a feeling of team work and when you complete a dungeon you feel like you all played a valuable part.
In GW2 the lack of defined classes made it really messy for me. it just felt like everyone was just doing their own thing in dungeons. The best analogy I can give to this is that Games like WoW or Rift which use the holy trinity system are akin to Socom or Battlefield where team work is necessary. GW on the other hand is very COD style where everyone is just out there doing their own thing just spamming spells. I dunno, thats just how it felt to me and i got bored quick.
Also I really hate the concept of ur skill bar being linked to your weapons. Really lame. Anyways...I digress.
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