DOA, their fans hate playing old games on their recent console but it should at least debut in the top 10 at least on NPD since their console have a larger install base, I wonder what their spin will be if it doesn't.
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Need to buy the first game before this. I still have a lot of games I have yet to play and finish. Not to mention other games come to mind before this, so it will be awhile before I buy it.
I still have the Tomb Raider 2013 on 360 but I've been meaning to get the Definitive Edition too. That way it'll match going to Rise of the Tomb Raider. Even without an Xbox One or a good enough pc, curiosity killed me so I bought the 360 version of Rise. Graphically it was obviously dumbed down but it wasn't that, that disappointed me, it was the overall flow of the game and lack of improvement.
I guess in a nutshell, Rise plays pretty much like TR 2013 for better or worse. There's A LOT of resource gathering and Lara's weaker in health to make it harder this time around. So if you enjoyed Tomb Raider 2013 then this won't disappoint you for the most part.
@killered3: Thanks for the advise, but I haven't played TR 2013 as I was occupied with other games. When I game I normally play a game at a time I don't like jumping from game to game at the same time. I was about to buy it at the beginning of the year from the UK when I visited my family but was hesitant.
@killered3: Thanks for the advise, but I haven't played TR 2013 as I was occupied with other games. When I game I normally play a game at a time I don't like jumping from game to game at the same time. I was about to buy it at the beginning of the year from the UK when I visited my family but was hesitant.
Tomb Raider 2013, both MS/Sony offer the original game for free with PS+/Gold at that time and I'm surprise you'll miss that. The game is dirt cheap now if you're still interested.
Then that makes getting into it easier for ya. I'd just like point out the main points to these games.
Tomb Raider 2013:
-automatic duck and cover system
-lots of climbing
-great story
-heavy level up system
-lots of backtracking
-crap tombs with stupid puzzles
-great variety in level design
Rise of the Tomb Raider:
-mostly the same but adds a few things-
-larger levels
-better tombs
-repetitive and kinda boring level design
-lots of crap to unlock
-costumes are terrible
-story was boring
-too much resource gathering
-too much use of bow and arrow (you used it to get around more and Lara could stand on arrows WTF?!)
-on the spot weapon and supply crafting like the Last of Us
@davillain-: I'll buy it once and the second one maybe at the end of the year. Still have a lot of games to finish before moving on to another.
Tomb Raider 2013 was free on PS + and WHERE was I when this was happening?! ? ps4 or ps3 version? Oh well.... Guess I'm gonna have to go physical buy on Definitive Edition. I hope Crystal Dynamics didn't **** us and sell DLC separate. I'm gonna be pissed if they did.
@Heil68: I think because we know each other , you know my point. If you are going to avoid a great game because of a business decision over a year ago, you may be a dildo.
Game is great, combat is tight, exploration and tombs are great
There you go again. Why don't you want consumers to have a voice? And don't tell me it's because you're drinking again. You never did answer the question.
at this point, and how it had no excitement when it first release, who really cares for RoTR now?
Big mistake from SE to do time exclusive and dividing the fanbase like that. Now people wont be all that interested for the next TR game.
Short term cash grab....poor long term business vision.
FINALLY....way more excited for this than uncharted quatro. Couldn't bring myself to buy or play Nathan's final scripted adventure.
Then that makes getting into it easier for ya. I'd just like point out the main points to these games.
Tomb Raider 2013:
-automatic duck and cover system
-lots of climbing
-great story
-heavy level up system
-lots of backtracking
-crap tombs with stupid puzzles
-great variety in level design
Rise of the Tomb Raider:
-mostly the same but adds a few things-
-larger levels
-better tombs
-repetitive and kinda boring level design
-lots of crap to unlock
-costumes are terrible
-story was boring
-too much resource gathering
-too much use of bow and arrow (you used it to get around more and Lara could stand on arrows WTF?!)
-on the spot weapon and supply crafting like the Crysis
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but I just thought I'd fix the last one for you
No, no, no, no, no ,nooooo. It's definitely the Last of Us' style of item crafting. I know they don't own the idea as a whole but it's undeniably similar to Last of Us' take on the system.
@Heil68: I think because we know each other , you know my point. If you are going to avoid a great game because of a business decision over a year ago, you may be a dildo.
Game is great, combat is tight, exploration and tombs are great
There you go again. Why don't you want consumers to have a voice? And don't tell me it's because you're drinking again. You never did answer the question.
They can have a voice. I'm using mine that's all.
I only played the original Tomb Raider as it was free on PS+.
Like Uncharted it suffers from too many pointless shooty bits and not enough puzzles. It, like Uncharted, is another bog standard third-person shooter backed up by some cut scenes.
Will buy it when it drops below £20.
I know, right?! Who'd have thought a person who goes by the user name of NathaneDrakeSwag would hate Tomb Raider over Uncharted so much?
Damn has it been 20 years since the first Tomb Raider?! Boy time flies when your having fun playing games.
Th-th-that's probably just a coincidence, yeah. ?
I'm gonna call this one a rip-off cause there's no way in hell I call that a coincidence when The Nathan Drake Collection was release October 9th 2015 and it's almost been a year, so SE is trying too hard competing with Naughty Dogs' Uncharted series.
@davillain-: Yeah joking aside, it's hard to see how people can defend the, "It's so trying to compete with Uncharted" argument when you see stuff like this. I actually like that it does! And seeing what Rise ps4 comes with makes it sound worth it, almost! Add twin guns, the classic suit and I'm sold day one! ?
So I just read that this will have 5 Croft skins from several games and will also support a VR mode. That got me to want to rebuy the game.
It's a decent apology. Not gonna lie. That said, it still doesn't fix Square/Eidos/CD spitting in the face of the long time fans like that. I had been with the series since the first, playing each on Playstation.
I'm excited to play this but can't justify buying this day one at full price or even new after that. Square looses my money for this title.
@mems_1224: I don't buy season passes so I don't have any other chance...I could buy it but I still want to see the VR.
It's a decent apology. Not gonna lie. That said, it still doesn't fix Square/Eidos/CD spitting in the face of the long time fans like that. I had been with the series since the first, playing each on Playstation.
I'm excited to play this but can't justify buying this day one at full price or even new after that. Square looses my money for this title.
The "gamer" entitlement mentality. Who cares where games start. It belongs on which ever system they decide to put it on. If everyone thought this way there would be a lot of games that no one would play. It's an asinine way of thinking
@cainetao11: I just felt like I was watching cutscenes and hiding in grass a lot of the time...but with TR there was action and exploring. Overall package I take TR.
I felt like I explored the most in this UC game. Especially chapter 11. I played that chapeter twice, in normal and crushing and while in crushing I found many more places with artifacts and some that sparked extra conversations.
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