@StrongBlackVine said:
@lamprey263 said:
@StrongBlackVine said:
So basically you're a loser and on main type of Xbox fan I can't. I hope you that pathetic moment because it's all downhill for Xbox One the rest of this generation.
Okay, you're either drunk, or broken.
It's called a typo. My point stands. Xbox first party sucks so you lems hope for 3rd party deals to make your console temporarily relevant. Nintendo and Sony fans don't have to do that because those platforms actually own more than one or two decent studios.
Xbox did the same thing last gen with games like Bioshock and Mass Effect to get lems hooked in.
Good for them. Nintendo actually did something with their studios. What's Sony's excuse?
And, be that it may, MS relies on 3rd party deals more than 1st party, doesn't change the circumstance that the Xbox One actually has for the last couple years been able to deliver a respectable flow of console exclusive titles that just aren't on the PS4, titles that interest me quite a bit and that I'd very much would like to play. As a console gamer, I'm gonna get an Xbox One to play them. Cows like yourself use the tortured logic that if games are on PC then the console must not be worth owning, yet there you are with a PS4 with many of the best games being on PC too. And, sure I have my strong console preferences, but I've actually hedged my bet by picking up a Wii U and PS4, as I try not to limit myself and get a chance to play whatever I want to play regardless of what system it's on.
And yet you still act like MS won't continue to bring games to its XBO library that won't be on PS4, which simply isn't true at all. Sure, many will be produced by 3rd parties, just like you said, and some will probably be released on PC too; heck, some might eventually end up on PS4 in a year or few. But that doesn't concern me. Only people making a big deal about that are cows. Cows that aren't content that their console has a sizable lead in this console generation. You guys take such issue with what we value is worth owning the system for (and it's quite obvious why) because you haven't been too satisfied with Sony's console exclusive line-up to date. It's always been about what's the horizon with you guys, a horizon that seems perpetually just out of reach, you're like thirsty gamers wondering through an unbearably dry forbidden land, walking toward a mirage that promises to quench your thirst for games but is always just in front of you yet never getting any closer.
Hey, I'm not going to lie, PS4 line-up for 2016 looks dope (that's why I got one), but it's been a lengthy waiting game for Sony supporters to get to those great exclusive Sony games they've been promised, and that wait still isn't over. It made good sense to me that until that day, I'm gonna play what's available now that strikes my fancy. That's about as simple as things should be for gamers. You have a problem with that, and that's on you. Instead of getting in a heated discussion about it, you're probably better off retreating to you NeoGAF safe space to engage in the typical pro-Sony anti-MS circle jerking.
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