[QUOTE="Utensilman"] These games are not comparable. Gears is a 2nd year release that's a Great game and Resistance is an above average generic FPS that does Nothing to further the gaming community, if anything it sets it back.
There are Soooooo many better FPS's out there than the trash known as PS3's Only decent exclusive title. So quit comparing RFoM graphics to the amazing GeOW graphics. It's just sad...
I compared them. Directly. I found out you're very wrong on a number of points.
Gears of War does not compare to RFOM. RFOM has superb draw distances, the details are reduced less aggressively in the gigantic environments with occasionally hundreds of units onscreen simultaneously with environmental visuals such as planes or artillery fire.
Resistance Fall of Man has over 3 times as many levels (it has 30, and they're all huge), a wider selection of guns and grenades (which are all unique and feature interesting particle effects and secondary fire characteristics), and has far better physics.
Ultimately in one screen, Resistance can hold a gigantic environment, multiple times the max number of enemies on screen in Gears of War, particle effects that destroy the paltry machine-gun spitball stream in Gears, and physics calculations across the screen. You're wrong about Gears of War being better looking. You're also wrong about GeoW being amazing. If I had played Call of Duty 2 for 9 months in SD before playing Gears of War in HD I might be inclined to agree...however, I am absolutely not.
Gears of War has embarrassingly bad gameplay and poorly designed bosses (laughably so).
The only thing that Gears of War has on Resistance is better player character models and the chainsaw bayonet. Lose.
you have got to be kidding me, If they had dozens of enemies on screen trying to kill you in gears. the game would not be possible since the AI blows RFoM out of the water. As for bad gameplay.....lol wow. I guess generic FPS jumping stupid BS is much better than a Superb cover system used for semi tatical warfare. Also MP maps in gears are made as a confined circle for a purpose, no maps, no radar, no name above ur head. It's all based on sight and sound. People don't wanna spend 20 mins lookin for a guy hiding on some huge map, they want satisfying kills and to have fun.
Also i'd be very very suprised if RFoM was flagged for a sequel, which as gears has already two coming. RFoM franchise will never make as much money or never be able to truly compete with the far superior GeOW franchise.
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