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Sounds too good to be true.
Or multidisk.
Or both.
[QUOTE="user_nat"]Sounds too good to be true.
Or multidisk.
Or both.
I have no problem with that, at all. I don't know why this would bother anyone, better then between level installing.
People should care even less if the new install to HDD thing will work the way I think it will, meaning install disc 2 and you'll only need disc 1 to play. (my guess, based off the "It works really slick with multidisk games" comment by Major Nelson)
-The story in Mass Effect 2 will continue 2 months after Mass Effect
One thing about this if the the 2nd book takes place between the first and second mass then its not true because the book has a few years after the 1st game.
All of this sounds like... oh my god?!?!
I can only hope that at least half of those things are in the next Mass Effect, I absolutely loved the first one, and to be honest I'd be disappointed if EA didn't take this multiplat, I can't believe what I was missing out when I got the PC version.
That being said, the reason I found Mass Effect so frickin' enjoyable, was because I didn't go all out like I did in other RPG games. Hell I only played it for about 21 hours, including the Bringing Down the Sky DLC, so I did some exploration and side missions, but not a lot.
Looking forward to Mass Effect 2!
I almost wish this were true but im skeptical because no developer would release this much info a year b4 its release. Heck We ddint know what was to be in gears 2 until half a year b4.
Anyways I really hope that bioware has noticed that list and take consideration because if the game turns out anwhere close to that, its gonna be awesome. I was reading the OP and saying to be say this is too good to be true.
Is it just me or does it sound alot more RPG like than the first.
Still wunt sp kotor 3, but I guess this will do :D
cows miss out again, i remember them saying its coming to ps3,
I didn't enjoy the first mass effect (flame sheild on), so I am not sure if I will even bother getting mass effect 2.
Edit: Thanks for Bolding.
K? Why post if you're not even interested in any of it?
If the game does have 5 player co-op... omg that would be heaven.
Most of that stuff is pretty unbelievable, but I think they would recognize the major bad points of their first game and improve upon them (likek the explorable planets were pretty bad) They probably realize they need more unique missions on planets, and unique planets, rahter than an empty open environment on almost all of them.
Multiplayer and co-op would be great additions, but they aren't needed IMO. I could see them being added if the scope of the battles is drastically increased, that way it would be beneficial to have 5 others with you.diped
Yeah and they should just get rid of driving around in that stupid mako. That was clearly unneeded and just a waste of time ot make the game longer. The shooting sequences weren't bad, but driving around empty planets for that long of a time is just a complete waste.
Also, they needed more towns/cities with which to do quests in. There are only like 3 or 4 major ones, got kind of repetitive, although I still loved the game. I'll be getting it on PC again as I did with Mass Effect. :)
Also, co-op even if only 2 or 3 player would be amazing.
the 5 player co-op however is something i do not believe.
Believe it. As I keep saying to the people that keep whining about wanting a SP exclusive KOTOR 3, EA announced a couple months ago that games without MP will not be greenlit. MassEffect will have MP, EA will see to that.
After all those amazing improvements.....
Why couldn't they add more cities on planets? Hell, if we're expected to run across the galaxy inhabited by all these species, why is the only civilized place The Citadel?
really, given the amount of time it takes for RPG's to be developed, and the fact that Bioware has so much in develoment right now (inclduing a full fledged RPG, and an MMO (which is obviously gonna be taking up most of their recources)) I cant see Mass Effect 2 coming out next year, or probably even the year after that.cobrax75
They have 2 studios now... And the capacity for 3 seperate full-size teams.
Austin is their MMO studio. But Edmonton has the studio space for 2 seperate teams now.
Just like what everyone was saying about Blizzard... Everyone was saying that they were "too busy with Starcraft 2 and WoW:WotLK" to have a team working on Diablo 3. We all know how that turned out. Not only that, but they have even a 4th team working on their next MMO.
Some of these studios are getting huge now.
Holy guacamole Batman !
M.E. 2 is by far my most anticipated title of all time and as much as I liked to believe all that is true and accurate , I have my doubts but thanks a bunch for making me drool all over my keyboard while reading all that amazing stuff. :D
I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them shot down if this rumor happens to be false.
But...that is AWESOME!
I loved the first Mass Effect and if even half of those things are true, I'll love the second one even more! :D
this sounds llike a whole bunch of BS, like some fan made it up
why the hell would you need to build a house?
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