PSN Store needs more than just a graphical overhaul - its interface is clumsy.
Why does pressing circle back you out of a menu by one layer in every other part of the interface, but exit the entire PS Store?
Why do you have to move a cursor to the button you want, instead of moving the stick simply jumping to the next button like other parts of the interface?
Why does it show a screen saying your money has been added, when there's nothing of any consequence you can do on that screen other than skip to the next? (While we're on that gripe, why do things like patches and installs not auto-restart the title when complete? What are you going to do on that "OK" screen?)
Why do you have to install the content when you're done? What else were you going to do with it?
Why does content ever download in the foreground? When would you ever not want the interface to return control to you immediately?
It's like Sony didn't even bother to hire a UI analyst. Personally, I'm pretty sure they took the lazy way out and just slapped up a web page and used their browser to get to it. It shows.
Because Xbox Live became what it is overnight. :?
Who cares how long it took? As a customer, I only care about what they're giving me, not how long it took to make.
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