So, you're off the reservation. Good to know.
XC2 is so disgusting. Blergh.
@sakaixx: P3 also has questionable content. Glorifying suicide for one. Sexualizing school characters is another. Having children and pets engaging in dangerous fights with demons and I can go on and on.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks, is all I'm saying. We play games to get away from real world problems, that's why we shoot people and blow up towns etc. Morals have no place in fictional media.
You lack objectification. What about a teacher having an affair with a student in P5? What about the objectification of Rise in P4? Or students supposedly sleeping together in P3? I don't see you calling those games out for having questionable morals by Westerner standards, only XC2 for some odd reason.
But I did.
Bullshit. You just go after anyone who lists XC2. If you don't like the game that's fine, but stop labeling it and people who play it with false bullshit, or at least do the same when people mention the Persona games. Or we can keep going around and around if you like.
The topic is about xenoblade tho, Shady.
That doesn't keep comparisons from being made in a discussion about video games. And if you want to keep the discussion going with me, address my comments with more than just two or three worded sentences.
@sakaixx: P3 also has questionable content. Glorifying suicide for one. Sexualizing school characters is another. Having children and pets engaging in dangerous fights with demons and I can go on and on.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks, is all I'm saying. We play games to get away from real world problems, that's why we shoot people and blow up towns etc. Morals have no place in fictional media.
... so, I can't criticize a pedo game because morals shouldn't be applied?
This reminds me that I still need to get that Torna expansion for XC2 and play through that.
Same here. Looks like we'll have to go digital. I should have picked it up when it was only $25. :(
That doesn't keep comparisons from being made in a discussion about video games. And if you want to keep the discussion going with me, address my comments with more than just two or three worded sentences.
Derailing topics will get this thread locked.
That doesn't keep comparisons from being made in a discussion about video games. And if you want to keep the discussion going with me, address my comments with more than just two or three worded sentences.
Derailing topics will get this thread locked.
Just admit you're a biased fanboy and lack adult discussion capabilities and that's all that needs to be said here.
@shadyacshuns: Yeah I wanted to get the physical version but got sidetracked. Will have to go digital now. Looking forward to playing through it and may go through the whole game again in New Game + mode after that.
That doesn't keep comparisons from being made in a discussion about video games. And if you want to keep the discussion going with me, address my comments with more than just two or three worded sentences.
Derailing topics will get this thread locked.
Just admit you're a biased fanboy and lack adult discussion capabilities and that's all that needs to be said here.
No problem, Shady. You, me and many played XC2. You simply choose to ignore the obvious problem with game writing.
Surprised this was a Nintendo published game.
Basically have space anime strippers with giant honkers.
They seem very aware that this was more popular, it was the big honker characters and not the boy fellow invited to Smash.
Which doesn't really make sense with that community.
Surprised this was a Nintendo published game.
Basically have space anime strippers with giant honkers.
They seem very aware that this was more popular, it was the big honker characters and not the boy fellow invited to Smash.
Which doesn't really make sense with that community.
Lol, well they already have the main protagonist from the original Xenoblade in there.
Sounds like sakaiXx needs to be registered lol.
All jest aside, even though I liked Xenoblade 2, I was hoping 3 wouldn't be a direct sequel to either 1 or 2, ideally being the third entry in a 3rd-world that brought the entire Blade series together and wrapped up any remaining loose ends of the lore. That said, I'll still be happy for a 3rd game even if that's true.
It's been 4 years since Xenoblade 2, the most shocking thing is we haven't seen anything for a new Monolithsoft game by now, there's nothing bold about claiming it could be announced by the end of the year.
Sounds like sakaiXx needs to be registered lol.
All jest aside, even though I liked Xenoblade 2, I was hoping wouldn't be a direct sequel to either 1 or 2, ideally being the third entry in a 3rd-world that brought the entire Blade series together and wrapped up any remaining loose ends of the lore. That said, I'll still be happy for a 3rd game even if that's true.
It's been 4 years since Xenoblade 2, the most shocking thing is we haven't seen anything for a new Monolithsoft game by now, there's nothing bold about claiming it could be announced by the end of the year.
Thanks Davillain! Now I know which crybaby in system wars to avoid conversing lmao.
Interesting that many people who are not into JRPGs are commenting on the rumored Xenoblade Chronicles 3. As I often say before, the genre is not for everyone and I can at least understand why Westerner gamers will uncomfortable with some of its elements.
I believe that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 should be developed according to what Monolith Soft intended, not conforming to Western, or God forbid, "woke" standards. If gamers do not like the sight of under-aged females sexualized or large-breasted characters offends their sensitivities, they should not play JRPGs.
As someone who has completed Xenoblade Chronicles a few days ago and is currently playing its extra epilogue Future Connected, I am looking forward on any new information on what is the final game in the Xenoblade Chronicles triolgy.
With no hesitation, i can say that Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the best JRPGs ever ... story can be cringe at times, and some Deus Ex Machina situations are like, yeah that's a stretch. But the game is fun, exciting, epic in both scale and plot and i don't know, is just great. Never played XC2 and i don't understand the "pedo" claimings, but honestly in most JRPGs the protagonists are underage or highschool students, so i don't see how so suddenly it becomes a problem.
I'm hyped to see what this new entry will bring to the table, i'm betting it will be revealed either at Game Awards or a big Direct at the end of the year.
Hopefully its true, although I hope the MC is more interesting in character and design cause I really didn't care for Rex till about midway into Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
I want them to port over Xneoblade Chronicles X also, damn I loved that game.
God i hope they are back on form. Loved Xenoblade 1 and XCX (seriosuly where is that port? its a tragedy that its stuck on the wiiu). The golden country also did a good job setting up the main game also.
But Xenoblade 2 was such a colossal screw up. it wasnt the art direction either.....thats just the cherry on top. it was a mechanically dull, plodding, slow and cumbersome combat system. The world was just fan service for the first game "oh titans how interesting....wait wasnt that done?". the whole mercenary system was a boring and ill thought out time sink that did nothing but add pointless bloat to the game
The story was literally incomprehensible gibberish. i mean the main bad guy at the end basically says "oh i',m bad because i dunno...i'm the bad guy". i think even the writers knew they screwed up (or maybe the translations was screwed up...but nintendos translations are generally on point so probably not). every time it looked like they were going to do something interesting....nah turned to more gibberish and just reminding the player that they are taking Mythra to elysium.
The characters....i couldnt tell you much about them. they dont have an ark. they just shout a lot and be melodramatic. you very much start and end with character X 1.0.
And then...yeah...some of the character models. I'm not that much of a prude and i can file a lot under "it's fantasy" (and i can file some under different cultures too). the other games in the series also have armour that is...risque (but optional). but its a bit ridiculous when characters are in a major state building, discussing very important matters (badly) and some of them are wearing something from a victorias secret catalogue. it's funny if nothing else. but its not supposed to be funny.
The soundtrack is awesome though. i love the X2 soundtrack.
The big warning light is, tragically, X2 is the highest selling in the series so they may very well double down on what they did with X2. I really really hope they don't though.
The good thing is this looks like it's been in the oven a while. X2 felt like a first draft (it was even buggy by nintendo standards). so hopefully they have put more thought into it and refined it.
Tl:DR: looking forward to X3 (or XCX2)....but with great concerns. If monolithsoft can cut out the BS and bring back just the right amount of crazy we could be looking at another cracking game. If they cant....well i would then like the see NIS get a crack at the series (very unlikely i know).
Tried the Switch remaster of the first game for about 5 hours. Nearly fell asleep. All the enemy encounters were either too easy or too hard. I'm out on the franchise.
God i hope they are back on form. Loved Xenoblade 1 and XCX (seriosuly where is that port? its a tragedy that its stuck on the wiiu). The golden country also did a good job setting up the main game also.
But Xenoblade 2 was such a colossal screw up. it wasnt the art direction either.....thats just the cherry on top. it was a mechanically dull, plodding, slow and cumbersome combat system. The world was just fan service for the first game "oh titans how interesting....wait wasnt that done?". the whole mercenary system was a boring and ill thought out time sink that did nothing but add pointless bloat to the game
The story was literally incomprehensible gibberish. i mean the main bad guy at the end basically says "oh i',m bad because i dunno...i'm the bad guy". i think even the writers knew they screwed up (or maybe the translations was screwed up...but nintendos translations are generally on point so probably not). every time it looked like they were going to do something interesting....nah turned to more gibberish and just reminding the player that they are taking Mythra to elysium.
The characters....i couldnt tell you much about them. they dont have an ark. they just shout a lot and be melodramatic. you very much start and end with character X 1.0.
And then...yeah...some of the character models. I'm not that much of a prude and i can file a lot under "it's fantasy" (and i can file some under different cultures too). the other games in the series also have armour that is...risque (but optional). but its a bit ridiculous when characters are in a major state building, discussing very important matters (badly) and some of them are wearing something from a victorias secret catalogue. it's funny if nothing else. but its not supposed to be funny.
My fellow XC2 criticizer 😭😭
So yeah game got tons of problem. Did not criticize out of trolling, well maybe a bit I genuinely enjoyed XC1 and was immensely let down by XC2.
With no hesitation, i can say that Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the best JRPGs ever ... story can be cringe at times, and some Deus Ex Machina situations are like, yeah that's a stretch. But the game is fun, exciting, epic in both scale and plot and i don't know, is just great. Never played XC2 and i don't understand the "pedo" claimings, but honestly in most JRPGs the protagonists are underage or highschool students, so i don't see how so suddenly it becomes a problem.
I'm hyped to see what this new entry will bring to the table, i'm betting it will be revealed either at Game Awards or a big Direct at the end of the year.
Enjoy ~
Very polarizing game. Either you on like it or hate it camp ~
Very polarizing game. Either you on like it or hate it camp ~
I can get behind this.
Can we all agree on the fact that this series is only getting any kind of attention is because its on a system with low standards? This thing would've been criticized to no end on the ps5/series. Nobody would play nor care about this empty rpg with mmo mechanics without the multiplayer portion because the Switch can't handle it. This game deserves as much attention as those noname Korean and Chinese mmo's.
Can we all agree on the fact that this series is only getting any kind of attention is because its on a system with low standards? This thing would've been criticized to no end on the ps5/series. Nobody would play nor care about this empty rpg with mmo mechanics without the multiplayer portion because the Switch can't handle it. This game deserves as much attention as those noname Korean and Chinese mmo's.
Nope! We can't agree on that.
@sakaixx: *sigh* XC2 frickin haunts me :(. i don't think i have ever played a game as disappointing. i have played games that are flat out worse and just chalk them up as bad. but XC2 could have been brilliant. it should have put Xenoblade up as one of nintendos big totem poles: right up there with zelda/mario/metroid/animal crossing. it's also a very fixable game despite all its flaws. but just a big disappointment.
I think the last time i was so disappointed with a game was Inifinte Space on the DS. it could have been a proper epic space opera and the premise and setup was great. but just soooooo much grinding and the difficulty curve was just stupid.
@osan0: Thankfully not many feel that way. Just about everyone loved the game to death and it’s among the best RPGs made. I wish more rpgs would focus on the combat and make it as fun as Xenoblade does. Just look at a game like Persona, it’s gameplay is very boring.
This reminds me that I still need to get that Torna expansion for XC2 and play through that.
Same here. Looks like we'll have to go digital. I should have picked it up when it was only $25. :(
Holy crap then you guys are in for a treat, pretty much everyone agrees that the expansion plays better than the main game.
@mesome713: are you talking about 1 or 2? 1 is awesome. but 2? seriously?
@lebanese_boy: definitely agree that the expansion is better than the base game and i would say by quite a considerable margin. more enjoyable combat. the story mostly made sense and set up the main game very nicely. A lot of the bloat was taken out. Just a much better game.
@mesome713: well glad you enjoyed it :). hard disagree on my end though. They had some great ideas for characters and they had the parts there for some amazing story telling but the delivery was very very poor or they just completely missed it.
Some potential mild spoilers below.
the whole setup of blades being linked to people (i.e. when a person dies the blade resets) could have potentially led to some very interesting stories just in itself. bridgets diary and her focus on her past lives and the contrast with jin and the pain his memories brings could have led to some great moments. there is a whole dilemma around the rights of a blade and the ol chestnut of are they really people? do they? nah. the ethics of blade and flesh eaters? its worries.
they could have done a whole thing with Mythra suffering from PTSD from her colossal screw up and, initially, just trying to off herself but slowly turning around to becoming the hero Adam and Rex believed she could be (on a side note Pyra and Mythra should have been the same person). i mean there is a part where you meet the spirit of adam but Mythra isnt there because she has been captured. they could have had something where Adam left a message for Mythra that could have been touching and helped her come to terms with her past. but nope...instead the player is reminded for what felt like the FIFTH time that they are to take mythra to elysium
They brush off it. they take a half hearted stab at it ocassionally (and when they do the game shines). but the delivery is awful and the opportunity is widely missed and ultimately that is why the game is so disappointing imho.
i wont go into a very long rant as its late where i am but the characters are a major fault with the game.
@osan0: I agree. The drop off in quality of writing and characters is so big compared to XC1 I still don't have the energy to play torna despite your recommendations many times due to this. XC2 is such a terrible game.
I still can't fathom how people can say the story is good. Plot holes everywhere I assume to plugged by the Torna dlc and not to mention the first 40-50 hours or up till chapter 4-5 of aimless wandering. Literally bloat, almost nothing happens other than team member introductions to set up the war story. Story personally really starts at Mytra returns scene which I guess is around 30-40 hours into the game.
@sakaixx: Thankfully most who played the game loved it a lot. There will always be some who dislike the game. Like I dislike Persona 5, I found the game very boring. The gameplay was super boring and made it very hard to play through. I had to force myself to play it.
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