After you said that I looked up Team Ninja remembering they made the Metroid Other M and realized they made Ninja Gaiden, all this time I thought it was Ninja Theory.
*face palm*
No wonder why I enjoyed it so much more than both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved. Now I can fully say Ninja Theory I hope you die.
They have been leeching of the success of Ninja Gaiden and clueless gamers for far too long!
Oh jeez. I bet if they never changed dantes look you would have never said that. I jsut know it. People need to relax. Hell to say they are worse then activision proves my point. Also if they are awful devs this would have been exposed already,but according to some reviews that has not happend.
No dude I can 100% assure you if this was an original game they were working on sure I wouldn't hate it as much but I will definitely not like the character. The character is not the main problem it's the fact that NT are very inexperienced, they should be a freelance CGI dev not full-on game devs because they don't know the first thing about gameplay, and lets not get into the gameplay at the level of DMC, NG. Do you really think DMC will play like titles in the past ? I suppose you also think they would make a better Mortal Kombat game than NRS, yeah I went there.
Heres the thing. I dont think/assume and say it will suck. I actually see stuff with my own eyes to actually give my judgement. I like giving a dev a chance even if they made games I wasint a bigfan of in the past.Also I dont get the comment of clueless gamers about team ninja. I enjoy the games and last time I checked I wasint clueless.
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