No material for painballz to work with so I'll post it :P
Chip maker AMD has invested heavily into hyperbole research, proudly proclaiming that its new graphics chip, the RV770, is "more powerful than every generation of video game console ever brought to market combined." The RV770, demoed Monday, is capable of processing one trillion floating operations per second on a single chip, a feat that AMD says "punches a sizeable hole in the sensory barrier."In short, that means things will look prettier and more realistic, giving game creators nearly limitless depths of brown to explore, with space marine armor achieving nearly unimaginable levels of detail.
AMD has a brief tech demo that show off the RV770 at its official site, featuring a DOG from Half-Life 2 clone chasing graphics card mascot Ruby. You'll probably find it as rewarding as the corporate promise of "Cinema 2.0." That's definitely gonna catch on.
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