Source: Nintendo Everything (via GoNintendo)
The biggest feature we look at in Smash Bros. is, What does this character bring to Smash Bros. that other characters dont? If you look at someone from a fighting game already, and people like fighting with this character, from my point of view, its like this guy does what this guy already does. He fills the role that this character already has. So while you may like this character and hes interesting, that doesnt really merge well, here.
Well, there goes any chance of a Soul Calibur character being guest starred. :(
I mean, I know Sonic, Snake, and Mega Man were in fighting games prior (Respectively: Sonic the Fighters, Dream Mix TV, and Marvel vs Capcom 1/2), but they originated from other genres (Mega Man and Sonic being from platformers, while Snake is from Stealth-Action), so there is no irony in what he's saying.
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