@finalstar2007: yeah you probably are. I liked the gameplay in the destiny beta but the lack of story and real loot turned me off. I'm not a fan of raids as they take too much time in multiplayer co-op, something I don't have the luxury of having (time to play mp). I thought it would be more like borderlands but it wasn't so I never picked it up , borderlands handsome collection scratched that itch though.
As for Witcher 3, been a fan since the 1st game. In fact I bought it multiple times as the original US release was censored of all things. Didn't understand why a m rated game was censored, so got the UK collectors ed. Uncensored.. loved Witcher 1.... wasn't too fond if the 2nd. It seemed more linear and more action less rpg and the menu ui sucked. No longer could u prepare for a tough fight in advance with potions etc... it was like going from mass effect 1 to 2, and most people here would take that as a positive, I didn't, less rpg = bad, imo.
Really hoping w3 brings back more rpg elements along with less linearity (which an open world will bring).
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