This could be complete and utter coincidence, but too many things line up EXACTLY with what this guy said back in May 17th.
NX is a hybrid
- removable screen
- you can customize the controls
- the chip is named Tegra N1 (possibly Nintendo's NVidia custom SoC) and it is more powerful than X1
- the price of screen is U$ 100 or 200 depending on the size/resolution
- controls cost U$ 50 each.
- will facilitate eGPU's
The above link needs google translated and it's not the best to be honest, but someone else has translated it better. Some key points can be extracted from his OP and subsequent posts following the Eurogamer article. I don't know what to make of it, maybe it's BS but i thought it was topic worthy.
"I participate in a japanese forum group that releases Dragon Ball Super spoilers, but the Brasilians in Japan just released something about the Nintendo NX that, if true, may interest a lot of people.
As a matter of fact, the console will be a hybrid! What a special thing! The LCD screen can be deallocated from the console kind of like a Tranformer LOL for real. *The console is a small and thin box with connections to the portable LCD, battery, extension, those that fit with phones with a case, it's possible even to personalize the controls*NOTE from names:this sentence makes no sense.
A hybrid that will be just like a Transformer. I am sharing it here because no one commented on this.
Unfortunately I don't have a photo but this is the style of how it looks:
But everything is in a box with connextions that are well organized and easy to plug in.
Soon details about this rumour will be released. I am just letting you all know early. The chip used is a Tegra N1, more powerful than Nvidia's X1.
The purposed price will be of $300, the LCD will be sold for $100-200 depending on the size and resolution. The controllers will be extra to assemble on it in a portable form for $50.
It will support cartridges to give it more functionalities of future connections and consume less energy, making the storage capacity higher..
Or if you buy the console with less memory, this will be expanded by the cartridge itself according to the game, just like old days with the same style as games with Chip FX on the SNES.
It is something quite new really... That's why Microsoft would be talking about console upgrades, not of GPU and CPU but of accessories.
I got really happy with this rumour and hope that you like it. And source(s)? You will see in 2 months when it is authorized for the info to be released. Unfortunately I can't confirm the rumour due to it being obtained in a non legal way"
Then, after the Eurogamer article hit, he posted some more info which i will summarise:
He acknowledges their article saying he still knows more than what they leaked. Reconfirming that the successor to the Tegra X1 will be used as the GPU so maybe he was initially referring to the X2. According to his source it will be modular external GPU's. ie. graphical capabilities can be increased through the dock - this works like a cartridge module increasing the graphical capacity. He goes on to explain the concept saying the basic console (in handheld form) will run in 720p, 30fps. Then when docking for playing on the TV using the expansion module will play at PS4 level capabilities, with likely future models for 4K TV's speculated for future upgrades. He also says that Microsoft are aware of this and are looking at this concept of modular expansion for Scorpio.
He then goes on to explain about the mobile integration, he uses pokemon in his example but basically saying that they will use mobile to entice casuals back, by using mobile and apps as a kind of streetpass accessory drawing the user to NX - where mobile app data for games can be exchanged between users then transferred back to the portable for a more competitive gaming experience. AR, NFC & amiibo will also be a focus using mobile to leverage the functionalities of NX, enhancing different gameplay scenarios through AR.
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