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Yeah. People seem to have have forgotten how much positive hype the original was getting.
Even the demo I played was great. I played it more then anything at the time and was totally addicted to it. But the game was only fun as a demo.
As a whole game all the flaws that you could forgive in a demo were still there and magnified times ten.
So I really have my reservations for this one.
Have reservations. You should. But having reservations is differen't from what TC is doing which is flat out telling us what Killzone will be when just ONE person in the gaming media has written about it's gameplay.
It still strikes me as odd how people can bash killzone's gameplay when one of the major elements wasn't even shownda1on2
That's lems for you. First it was "They'll never pull off those kind of visuals" and then it went to "the first one stunk so this one will stink" and now it's that plus "the gameplay will be horrible." The funny thing is most of these people kill their own credibility when they say things like "killzone was all flash" which, anyone who played it, will tell you it certainly wasn't. Granted it was probably the most a PS2 could do for a first person shooter, but compared to what Xbox was doing it was very very ugly.
Well, things change. Remember how the ps3 was suppose to have massive launch hardware problem like the ps2? DIDN"T HAPPEN! And remeber how the ps3 was suppose to be a crappy blu-ray player just like how the ps2 was a crappy DVD player? NO! Infact when the ps3 came out it had blu-ray playing features that most other blu-ray players did not have... (dolby trueHD, HDMI 1.3)munu9
Speaking of problems, funny how lately lems are pointing to the problems of PS2 to sort of counter the epidemic problems with 360. Now they're pointing to PS2 games as an indication of what PS3 games will be.
using killzone 1, reviews, to downgrade killzone 2 = lame thread.bustos86
especially when Killzone 1 was not a PS3 game. Now if it were, I'd agree with these guys. For example, if Lair flops big time then I'll be very skeptical of the next in the series for PS3.
[QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"]I'm very much failing to understand what you're attempting to accomplish here?Lilac_Benjie
I fail to understand why cows are hyping a flop game like Killzone. Nothing has changed, Killzone is still all flash with no substance. This thread proves that fact.
because uve played it? wtf are u talking about dude u are beyond dumb
Lets look at some of the things people are saying about Killzone.
[quote="Gamespot"]You'll travel from a bombed-out city to an industrial-docks area, from the jungle to the desert, from a snowy mountain region to an orbital defense platform that's key to the Helghast invasion strategy. So there's a lot of variety in the game's backdrops.Lilac_Benjie
All of the visual components help to make plowing through the bunches of Helghast shock troops fun.IGN
Reaction: Looks like people are rightfully hyping Killzone 2's visuals.
In addition to the expected deathmatch (solo and team varieties), you have domination, which has your team competing to control nodes scattered around the battlefield; assault, which has the offensive team trying to destroy an object being protected by the other team; defend and destroy, which is like assault but tasks both teams with defending an object; and supply drop, which is like capture the flag in that it has you running supplies dropped in the middle of the map back to your base for points. The game runs smoothly enough over a fast Internet connection, even with 16 players involved, and there's some decent variety in the maps, so you can get a lot of extra mileage out of it online.Gamespot
Reaction: Sounds like the online will be as good as Halo, if not better.
Visually it is an artistic achievement. The levels have been painstakingly designed to resemble real world locales, so that a futuristic shipyard based off a real dock strikes a chord of familiarity in gamers. The trenches are trenches, the gardens are gardens, and the government buildings look like once functional, plausible facilities. It's a wonderfully grounded, amazingly cohesive title and it never lets up.IGN
All of those things where said about Killzone on the Playstation 2.
The Cows have returned to hype Killzone "Halo Killer".
Unfortunately, there's not such a great range of enemies to fight. The vast majority of your opponents are basic Helghast grunts, occasionally joined by other Helghast grunts who look slightly different and fight with shotguns or rocket launchers rather than the standard-issue assault rifle.Gamespot
Verdict: Hasn't changed since Killzone.
Guerilla clearly intended for Killzone's battles to have a cinematic feel, and these minor touches do enhance what's otherwise a pretty average shooter.Gamespot
Verdict: Hasn't changed since Killzone.
Killzone's single-player campaign isn't awful, it's just not very inspiring. At its worst it can feel like a chore to plow through another wave of Helghast to get to the next level. At its best, you just feel like you're going through the motions of first-person shooter gameplay you've seen plenty of times before.Gamespot
Verdict: Hasn't changed since Killzone.
Verdict: Same Killzone, different platform.
I was wondering why someone would take quotes about the original Killzone from the review, and try and pass them off as commentary about KZ2 (which hasn't been played yet)... then I realized who the TC was and laughed until my stomach started to bleed.
WOW... there's some sensitive posters in this thread. I will play Killzonme 2, yet the game seems like it doesn't have any substance. Yeah we have to wait and see the finished product, but as of right now there's nothing spectacular about this game but visuals
Hopefully it will pan out but we've been down this road with plenty of games and from the most part if Pt 1 sucks, P2 won't be groundbreaking
but part 2 only sucks along with part 1 if the failure was due to a bad story, bad premise or bad ideas by teh developer and that WAS NOT the case with kz1, it sucked becuase of bugs and glitches and if they spent more time on it it woulda been in the high 8's so u think this time theyll seriously let bugs and glitches slip by them and just leave them in the game? seriously stop kidding urself
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"]I'm very much failing to understand what you're attempting to accomplish here?blues3531
I fail to understand why cows are hyping a flop game like Killzone. Nothing has changed, Killzone is still all flash with no substance. This thread proves that fact.
because uve played it? wtf are u talking about dude u are beyond dumb
yeah. every article clip that he used, was from a review or preview of killzone, not killzone 2, but he tried to make it seem like it was. he failed at what ever it was he was trying to attmept, and he failed pretty early in his thread.;)
Killzone 2 will be a good game and the only cows Have !!!
it certainly deserves the HYPE!
Why act stupid?
Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
[QUOTE="da1on2"]It still strikes me as odd how people can bash killzone's gameplay when one of the major elements wasn't even shownCyanX73
That's lems for you. First it was "They'll never pull off those kind of visuals" and then it went to "the first one stunk so this one will stink" and now it's that plus "the gameplay will be horrible." The funny thing is most of these people kill their own credibility when they say things like "killzone was all flash" which, anyone who played it, will tell you it certainly wasn't. Granted it was probably the most a PS2 could do for a first person shooter, but compared to what Xbox was doing it was very very ugly.
Yes, it's ridiculous. The "teh gameplay still sux" is the best, imo. Like anyone can make an accurate judgment about the gameplay of any game from watching a trailer from a 50% finished game.
Now, who's down to hijack this thread from Benjie and turn this into another KZ2 hype thread? ME!(Just ignore Benjie from here on in when he interjects with "bu bu teh gameplay is crap!!! teh Helghast look teh stoopid!!" Trust me, it works.)
I can't wait to play it. Do we know if there will be vehicles in multiplayer, a la Unreal Tournament? Is one of the guys on the transport in the trailer a main character? If so, does he have a name? Where did everyone get the budget figure of $40m from?
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"]I'm very much failing to understand what you're attempting to accomplish here?Teufelhuhn
I fail to understand why cows are hyping a rubbish game like Killzone. Nothing has changed since Killzone 1, all flash with no substance.
This thread proves that.
He knows as much as those that are hyping it which is his point. KZ was hyped because of the graphics and yet it flopped hard. He's saying there's a great chance KZ2 will repeat its history based on its pedigree.
[QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"]I'm very much failing to understand what you're attempting to accomplish here?mikasa
I fail to understand why cows are hyping a rubbish game like Killzone. Nothing has changed since Killzone 1, all flash with no substance.
This thread proves that.
He knows as much as those that are hyping it which is his point. KZ was hyped because of the graphics and yet it flopped hard. He's saying there's a great chance KZ2 will repeat its history based on its pedigree.
No, he's not. He's trying to use snippets about the original Killzone and pass them off as blurbs about KZ2. It's called a bait-and-switch. It's dishonest, it's manipulative, and it's pathetic. Jumping to his defense doesn't do a lot for your credibility either.
[QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
You're forgetting that it's the same dev, and a AA PSP game means they are capable of more than 6.9, end of story. Wasting energy anti-hyping this game is the same as hyping it, if you feel so strongly about it, just let nature take its course.
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
You can't be serious comparing those two.
[QUOTE="jessesalinas"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
You're forgetting that it's the same dev, and a AA PSP game means they are capable of more than 6.9, end of story. Wasting energy anti-hyping this game is the same as hyping it, if you feel so strongly about it, just let nature take its course.
ROTFL so what if its the same DEV?they havent made a AAA game yet..
Enjoy that generic gameplay experience.
and i cant wait till this game flops, i will be here in the front row seat when it does.;)
[QUOTE="jessesalinas"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
You can't be serious comparing those two.
LOL? you cant be serious trying to pawn that PSP game off on me as if that was a AAA game:lol:Enjoy Killzone 2, the aequel to teh Halo killa...oh wait!:P
[QUOTE="inertk"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
You can't be serious comparing those two.
LOL? you cant be serious trying to pawn that PSP game off on me as if that was a AAA game:lol:That PSP game shows that they are actually capable of making a good game, not just flashy graphics. Sure, it's not AAA, but it's also higher than that 6.9 score you keep posting, which means that they are improving as developers.
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
You are stating here that ds has higher standards then xbox, because the same game scored alot less on ds.[QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"]I'm very much failing to understand what you're attempting to accomplish here?Lilac_Benjie
I fail to understand why cows are hyping a flop game like Killzone. Nothing has changed, Killzone is still all flash with no substance. This thread proves that fact.
You proved that GS thinks the first Killzone was all flash no substance. This has nothing to do with Killzone 2.
[QUOTE="D_Znuhtz"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
You're forgetting that it's the same dev, and a AA PSP game means they are capable of more than 6.9, end of story. Wasting energy anti-hyping this game is the same as hyping it, if you feel so strongly about it, just let nature take its course.
ROTFL so what if its the same DEV?they havent made a AAA game yet..
Enjoy that generic gameplay experience.
and i cant wait till this game flops, i will be here in the front row seat when it does.;)
And this will be saved in a text document on my desktop for future ownage. Enjoy that from your front-row seat.
[QUOTE="inertk"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
You can't be serious comparing those two.
LOL? you cant be serious trying to pawn that PSP game off on me as if that was a AAA game:lol:Enjoy Killzone 2, the aequel to teh Halo killa...oh wait!:P
Jesse/Lilac_Benjie, how many accounts do you have? One for being a sheep, one for a lemming, one to agree with yourself on either of those names... what else?
[QUOTE="bustos86"][QUOTE="blues3531"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="Teufelhuhn"]I'm very much failing to understand what you're attempting to accomplish here?AncientDozer
I fail to understand why cows are hyping a flop game like Killzone. Nothing has changed, Killzone is still all flash with no substance. This thread proves that fact.
because uve played it? wtf are u talking about dude u are beyond dumb
yeah. every article clip that he used, was from a review or preview of killzone, not killzone 2, but he tried to make it seem like it was. he failed at what ever it was he was trying to attmept, and he failed pretty early in his thread.;)
Oh yeah. . the "it's not out" and "you haven't played it"arguments is tired and weak. Stop using it because they can redirect it back at you. "You haven't played it so how do you know it's good".
Unlike him, other people here in this thread aren't stating things as "fact". There are no facts that this game will be amazingly great or disappointing. The only "facts" we have right now is that the game looks good (and that's a fact because pretty much every gaming site said so).
We don't know much about the gameplay and story yet. So making any statements about those and saying they're facts is just stupid. Hope you'll agree.
all u cows have is graphicsOpticalCanine
Yeah, the graphics lemmings continued to say weren't possible. :P
damn you guys dumb the more u talk about killzone the more u help promote it. Don't matter if its negative publicity. LOL I swear you haters never use your heads.ff7isnumbaone
Killzone 2 going to own your Mass Effect and Halo 3!iMacBotQuoted for Future Ownage;)
Although im betting you will go into hiding when Killzone 2 Flops just like Cows Hid when Killzone 1 Flopped.:lol:
Killzone 2 going to own your Mass Effect and Halo 3!iMacBot
LOL kz2= kz1, both were hugely hyped, one flopped, one s waiting to flop
[QUOTE="jessesalinas"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Lilac_Benjie is right..;)
the first Killzone was a complete Failure..6.9
what even makes you think Killzone 2 will be AAA?
as usual most of you cows are just setting yourself up for Ownage..
People are forgetting about Killzone Liberation.
people are forgetting that was a PSP game...Different standards.:|
Burnout Revenge(xbox) 9.1
Burnout Legends(DS) 4.0
You are stating here that ds has higher standards then xbox, because the same game scored alot less on ds. I said Different Standards..not Higher Standards..learn to read.:|
Quoted for Future Ownage;)[QUOTE="iMacBot"]Killzone 2 going to own your Mass Effect and Halo 3!jessesalinas
Although im betting you will go into hiding when Killzone 2 Flops just like Cows Hid when Killzone 1 Flopped.:lol:
I'm pretty surethat if Killzone 2 doesn't flop you'll do the same thing :lol:
[QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Quoted for Future Ownage;)[QUOTE="iMacBot"]Killzone 2 going to own your Mass Effect and Halo 3!Soulja_West
Although im betting you will go into hiding when Killzone 2 Flops just like Cows Hid when Killzone 1 Flopped.:lol:
I'm pretty surethat if Killzone 2 doesn't flop you'll do the same thing :lol:
They'll fine some obscure website that scored it low to validate their point. All they do is deflect and deflect some more. Just remember, they'd rather worry about PS3 games than talk about the "great lineup" coming to 360. Says something.
[QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Quoted for Future Ownage;)[QUOTE="iMacBot"]Killzone 2 going to own your Mass Effect and Halo 3!Soulja_West
Although im betting you will go into hiding when Killzone 2 Flops just like Cows Hid when Killzone 1 Flopped.:lol:
I'm pretty surethat if Killzone 2 doesn't flop you'll do the same thing :lol:
No, i was here when Fable Flopped and i took my ownage like a real Forumite.i was also here when Brute Force and Blinx Flopped as well.
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="jessesalinas"]Quoted for Future Ownage;)[QUOTE="iMacBot"]Killzone 2 going to own your Mass Effect and Halo 3!CyanX73
Although im betting you will go into hiding when Killzone 2 Flops just like Cows Hid when Killzone 1 Flopped.:lol:
I'm pretty surethat if Killzone 2 doesn't flop you'll do the same thing :lol:
They'll fine some obscure website that scored it low to validate their point. All they do is deflect and deflect some more. Just remember, they'd rather worry about PS3 games than talk about the "great lineup" coming to 360. Says something.
Wrong!I think the gameplay looks pretty boring. they're right with the all flash no substance, they just cover up the boring gameplay (shooting guys from 100+ feet and not even knowing if you killed them isn't that fun) with lots of explosions and people yelling.
I might get it, but then again there are a lot of games I might get but probably won't. It looks good, and I own a PS3, but I'm not hyping it.
I think the gameplay looks pretty boring. they're right with the all flash no substance, they just cover up the boring gameplay (shooting guys from 100+ feet and not even knowing if you killed them isn't that fun) with lots of explosions and people yelling.
I might get it, but then again there are a lot of games I might get but probably won't. It looks good, and I own a PS3, but I'm not hyping it.
I could say the same about any first person shooter.
It's interesting that lemmings keep going back to the first killzone to try and justify that the next one will be bad as well. I on the other hand chose to use logic and reason so I look at the game GG have made and notice an upward trend in the quality of their games as time has gone on. Having played killzone liberation on the psp and played it online on the psp I have to say I have no fears that killzone on the ps3 will be very good.
Why is it that lemmings have to bad mouth ps3 games and not praise there own games? All I seem to see on system wars at the moment is mostly threads on ps3 games to hype, then an equal number bad mouthing the same games.(plus the odd one hyping crysis)
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