MC would win easily. Samus's suit is vulnerable to all coveneant weapons and she could be taken out with a simple plasma pistol or a scarab gun if he wants it to be a quick victory, trust me i have done all kinds of research on this.
jk, but theres really no way to know.
Yeah, because Samus' plasma beam is so much worse the MC's little plasma pistol. :|
Just stop.
did you really just take what i said seriously? :x
you shouldn't cause i like to make rediculous statements;)
MC would still win though.
MC wouldnt win. Samus could just hyper run him to death.
looool ok. If MC has a rocket launcher as a secondary weapon he could just use the energy sword trick, lock on to her, and send himself at Samus at the speed of light and stab her right in the face. haha :P
ok i'm really done with this.
Firstly, that's a glitch. Secondly, it doesn't send Master Chief at the speed of light, and would give Samus plenty of time to plant a missile in his face. Thirdly, an energy sword hit to the face wouldn't kill Samus, as she is barely phased by plasma-based melee weaponry, as proven in her battles against Space Pirates using comparable weapons.
Try again.
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