Listen. Console gaming needs to change.
It doesn't need to change. It won't change. 100s of millions of console gamers will remain happy.
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@True_Gamer_: A 400$ prebuilt pc won't touch a PS4 , even the custom builds for that price dont.
Lets take the LOWEST common denominator on consoles:
FIFA 15 aka IGNITE NEXT GEN ENGINE. (not the last gen Xbox 360/PS3 FIFA 15)
It can run on r7 250 MAXXED
Now the above is in same way as FIFA 11 (the 1st PS3 port to PC) running on an X800....
Because the PS360 werent joke weaklings last gen like this pathetic gen the above is impossible...
$400 Prebuilt PC with $100 pascal slammed inside will own PS4 royally mark my words
@True_Gamer_: A 400$ prebuilt pc won't touch a PS4 , even the custom builds for that price dont.
I can build a PC for less than 400USD that has an i5 750 OCed to 3.6ghz and an AMD 7950.
When the 7950 is overclocked it would be around twice the power of the PS4.
On ebay you can find an i5 750 for 45-50USD and an AMD 7950 for around 120USD.
"Almost here". Nothing we've seen has suggested we're even going to see Pascal cards this year. And we have no idea of real world performance. For all we know these improvements might not add up to much in practice. And if it did, it's hilariously naive to think this will in some way impact consoles. In the real world the majority of consumers don't see the PC and home consoles as competing platforms.
@RyviusARC: lol um no.
umm yah.
"Almost here". Nothing we've seen has suggested we're even going to see Pascal cards this year. And we have no idea of real world performance. For all we know these improvements might not add up to much in practice. And if it did, it's hilariously naive to think this will in some way impact consoles. In the real world the majority of consumers don't see the PC and home consoles as competing platforms.
Pascal will probably release around March of 2016.
And my guess is that performance will be about double compared to Maxwell.
Having read through more of this it looks to me like NVlink is the star of the show here. There's a lot of latent potential in PC's that's sort of just sitting untapped and this is the year we're hearing of how that's going to be unlocked. I also like the idea of a laying-down graphics card (even if the article states it's only for servers) with a aftermarket CPU style cooling.
"Almost here". Nothing we've seen has suggested we're even going to see Pascal cards this year. And we have no idea of real world performance. For all we know these improvements might not add up to much in practice. And if it did, it's hilariously naive to think this will in some way impact consoles. In the real world the majority of consumers don't see the PC and home consoles as competing platforms.
Pascal will probably release around March of 2016.
And my guess is that performance will be about double compared to Maxwell.
Double what? Because double often doesn't equate to actual double framerates. Or double resolution. Double isn't as big as it sounds when we are talking overall performance. Never has been. And how does double stack up against the last time there was a major die-shrink/architecture change?
lmao hermits overhyping again i see
and still having games that look like the witcher 3 in HD
Can a ATI X800 Run FIFA 11?
Why R7 250 runs FIFA 15?
The Xbox360 was more powerlful than $1000 2005 PCs...
Is the PS4 more powerful than 2013 $1000 PCs?
Weak gen is weak...
It's actually the opposite. It's not scary at all, it's just business as usual for Nvidia.
lol Nvidia downplaying AMD after losing to AMD in all three consoles (Wii U, Xbone, PS4).
Nvidia PR work overtime as they put out a lot of articles in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 about how amazing the future is with Nvidia and how AMD and others are about to be destroyed....except years pass and it's the same old Bullsh**.
I don't blame Nvidia Corp. They make a living and this is the way they sell wares...I know I buy their cards along with AMD cards, but I don't quote their BS PR and I certainly don't feel excitement or panic anymore from them.
I'm sure NVIDIA is fine without the console market, NVIDIA doesn't really need to spin any PR, the data center folks will see the benefits just fine. Pascal is a very innovative architecture and NVlink is providing exactly what certain markets (data center) needs. The fact that NVlink can reduce power consumption compared to PCI is already important enough even without taking into account performance improvements. There is a LOT of money being poured into research on improving parallel processing power efficiency.
You may not see the excitement but trust me, it's there, at least for the tech-minded folks. If I was an AMD GPU engineer I would be shitting my pants trying to top Pascal...though AMD will probably take the easy way out and throw more die space at the problem giving us another furnace like the R9 series.
As for the relation to consoles...computers are always advancing ahead of console hardware, don't see the big deal or anything to worry about. Those who console game aren't going to suddenly switch to PC over Pascal lol.
It is the console market itself which is scary for consoles. People don't seem to realize that people outside of gaming now buy consoles. My father is 60 years old and has been using a ps3 for media. Games don't cross his mind in the slightest but he finds the interface easy and peripherals like bluetooth headsets are plug and play.
Does it work with tablet? Nowadays, I only care about Tablet when it comes to PC gaming. The portability is far more appealing.
not only you but most of the world that games on pc..its all moving to smaller more mobile devices. anything larger than a laptop will be obsolete in 10 years.
Yup consoles are dead when the cows will stop being tasty. Yeah no... I understand that the consoles this generation are weak but they are not disappearing anytime soon. The new tech comes out which make older tech slightly more cheaper year by year hence how the console won't drag major a$$ in terms of spec. I mean a console is about as good as a mid pc and yes I spec-ed it. If anything this just put Nvidia in a better position. Yall PC folks can step down from your high horse by now.
If only PC's got the best games the industry has to offer.
According to gamespot, TW3 is one of the best games ever made, and it's best on PC :v
It's actually the opposite. It's not scary at all, it's just business as usual for Nvidia.
lol Nvidia downplaying AMD after losing to AMD in all three consoles (Wii U, Xbone, PS4).
Nvidia PR work overtime as they put out a lot of articles in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 about how amazing the future is with Nvidia and how AMD and others are about to be destroyed....except years pass and it's the same old Bullsh**.
I don't blame Nvidia Corp. They make a living and this is the way they sell wares...I know I buy their cards along with AMD cards, but I don't quote their BS PR and I certainly don't feel excitement or panic anymore from them.
NVidia has always downplayed consoles, even when they produced their cards for the Original Xbox and then PS3. Problem with NVidia is that they don't understand the mainstream audience at all. They only cater to the hardcore and only the hardcore graphic enthusiasts, and another big problem they have is that their proprietary hardware doesn't interest OEM manufactures. They can wow us with how the Tegra X1 is close to this gen's graphics, but there aren't any OEM's picking up? Why? Because they overcharge with their license fee's and demand bigger paycuts, which is probably why MS dropped them with the Original Xbox, as well with Sony with the PS4, and MS again with the Surface products. I like their graphic cards, but they have a huge ego that's too hard to swallow
It's actually the opposite. It's not scary at all, it's just business as usual for Nvidia.
lol Nvidia downplaying AMD after losing to AMD in all three consoles (Wii U, Xbone, PS4).
Nvidia PR work overtime as they put out a lot of articles in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 about how amazing the future is with Nvidia and how AMD and others are about to be destroyed....except years pass and it's the same old Bullsh**.
I don't blame Nvidia Corp. They make a living and this is the way they sell wares...I know I buy their cards along with AMD cards, but I don't quote their BS PR and I certainly don't feel excitement or panic anymore from them.
NVidia has always downplayed consoles, even when they produced their cards for the Original Xbox and then PS3. Problem with NVidia is that they don't understand the mainstream audience at all. They only cater to the hardcore and only the hardcore graphic enthusiasts, and another big problem they have is that their proprietary hardware doesn't interest OEM manufactures. They can wow us with how the Tegra X1 is close to this gen's graphics, but there aren't any OEM's picking up? Why? Because they overcharge with their license fee's and demand bigger paycuts, which is probably why MS dropped them with the Original Xbox, as well with Sony with the PS4, and MS again with the Surface products. I like their graphic cards, but they have a huge ego that's too hard to swallow
Actually the reason why MS and Sony didnt go with Nvidia with the current set of consoles is because AMD out bid'ed all other manufactures with being able to give both console companies what they wanted all under one neat package aka APU's. It saved both companies a crap load of money with the R&D.
It's actually the opposite. It's not scary at all, it's just business as usual for Nvidia.
lol Nvidia downplaying AMD after losing to AMD in all three consoles (Wii U, Xbone, PS4).
Nvidia PR work overtime as they put out a lot of articles in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 about how amazing the future is with Nvidia and how AMD and others are about to be destroyed....except years pass and it's the same old Bullsh**.
I don't blame Nvidia Corp. They make a living and this is the way they sell wares...I know I buy their cards along with AMD cards, but I don't quote their BS PR and I certainly don't feel excitement or panic anymore from them.
NVidia has always downplayed consoles, even when they produced their cards for the Original Xbox and then PS3. Problem with NVidia is that they don't understand the mainstream audience at all. They only cater to the hardcore and only the hardcore graphic enthusiasts, and another big problem they have is that their proprietary hardware doesn't interest OEM manufactures. They can wow us with how the Tegra X1 is close to this gen's graphics, but there aren't any OEM's picking up? Why? Because they overcharge with their license fee's and demand bigger paycuts, which is probably why MS dropped them with the Original Xbox, as well with Sony with the PS4, and MS again with the Surface products. I like their graphic cards, but they have a huge ego that's too hard to swallow
Actually the reason why MS and Sony didnt go with Nvidia with the current set of consoles is because AMD out bid'ed all other manufactures with being able to give both console companies what they wanted all under one neat package aka APU's. It saved both companies a crap load of money with the R&D.
Well, NVidia wants more money, heck that's why their color is green ;)
"Almost here". Nothing we've seen has suggested we're even going to see Pascal cards this year. And we have no idea of real world performance. For all we know these improvements might not add up to much in practice. And if it did, it's hilariously naive to think this will in some way impact consoles. In the real world the majority of consumers don't see the PC and home consoles as competing platforms.
Pascal will probably release around March of 2016.
And my guess is that performance will be about double compared to Maxwell.
Double what? Because double often doesn't equate to actual double framerates. Or double resolution. Double isn't as big as it sounds when we are talking overall performance. Never has been. And how does double stack up against the last time there was a major die-shrink/architecture change?
Performance per watt is what will be doubling, that is how they gauge gpu architectures anymore. look at GTX970 vs GTX680 or GTX770, 970 has 2x the pixel rate,while using less power.
While in some well coded games you can nearly see 2x the performance.
Problem why performance has not been in a linear fashion with gpu's coming out is because of the limitations from the current API's. CPU's can not correctly feed these powerful gpus, and developers can not get the control they need to allocate resources. Once DX12 comes out we will see massive differences in performance in the architectures.
@deadline-zero0: decline, what decline...oh you mean the lack of casual non gamers that were brought in by the
Last gen was an anomaly because of the wii. Notice how that system was devoid of games after a few years when people only bought one game for them as they were mostly casuals.
This gen is back to normal.. back to how it was with the ps1 and the ps2 gen. The only declining sales is from nintendo.
Even though everyone picks on xbone, myself included, it's still outselling x360 in same time frame and the ps4 is the fastest selling console with 23 million sales in less than 2 years. What bullshit decline are you referring to besides casuals?
People aren't flocking to pc in droves, as most already own one. And since when we're consoles and pc in direct competition? I have always owned both, and was building them myself since the 3dfx voodoo gpu came out 2 decades ago while most people on this thread were still in diapers or not even born.
PC and consoles are different and coexist with each other. Sometimes you feel like leaning forward to play a focused strategy game on pc and others you want to lean back in a comfy couch playing an action game or jrpgs on console.
Well, NVidia wants more money, heck that's why their color is green ;)
Well to be fair all the other good colors were taken =P
Listen. Console gaming needs to change.
It doesn't need to change. It won't change. 100s of millions of console gamers will remain happy.
"Ignorance is bliss". Fine just keep buying and buying and buying and buying and buying. Because who gives a shit, right? Just keep lowering that bar.
Gaming is better than ever, keep whining like a bitch though ;)
"Almost here". Nothing we've seen has suggested we're even going to see Pascal cards this year. And we have no idea of real world performance. For all we know these improvements might not add up to much in practice. And if it did, it's hilariously naive to think this will in some way impact consoles. In the real world the majority of consumers don't see the PC and home consoles as competing platforms.
Pascal will probably release around March of 2016.
And my guess is that performance will be about double compared to Maxwell.
Double what? Because double often doesn't equate to actual double framerates. Or double resolution. Double isn't as big as it sounds when we are talking overall performance. Never has been. And how does double stack up against the last time there was a major die-shrink/architecture change?
By double I mean double the frame rate.
So a 1080 will perform almost twice as well as the 980 when both can be fully utilized.
Pascal will be a huge jump in performance and it's not surprising with how long we've been stagnate on GPU performance increases.
This will be like going from a 7800GTX to 8800GTX if all the rumored specs are true.
Unless nVidia found a way to improve performance per dollar a bajillionfold, consoles have nothing to fear.
GPU manufacturers would have to somehow slash their prices in half if console gaming is to actually die, but the hardware manufacturers and research teams have to pay the bills.
@RyviusARC: now add in ram, power supply, hdd, OS, keyboard, mouse, case and your $400 just turned into minimum $700
You can get;
8GB of RAM for 50USD
A power supply for around 45USD
HDD for around 30USD
Keyboard and mouse for 20USD
And case for 35USD.
40USD for a motherboard
You can get Windows 7 64bit for 60USD and it will be free to upgrade to Windows 10.
Also lets add in the GPU and CPU.
And throwing a CPU heatsink hyper 212 for 25USD on ebay and some thermal compound for 5USD.
Add it all up and the total is 475USD with Windows OS and 415USD without (you can get windows free if you are a college student or you can transfer it from an old computer to a new one).
If you are really good at finding deals you can shave another 20-30 USD off but I was just doing some quick browsing on Ebay.
Keep in mind with the 7950 video card overclocked this PC is about twice the power of the PS4.
It's actually the opposite. It's not scary at all, it's just business as usual for Nvidia.
lol Nvidia downplaying AMD after losing to AMD in all three consoles (Wii U, Xbone, PS4).
Nvidia PR work overtime as they put out a lot of articles in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 about how amazing the future is with Nvidia and how AMD and others are about to be destroyed....except years pass and it's the same old Bullsh**.
I don't blame Nvidia Corp. They make a living and this is the way they sell wares...I know I buy their cards along with AMD cards, but I don't quote their BS PR and I certainly don't feel excitement or panic anymore from them.
Yah I am sure Nvidia is so mad at AMD for all the money they could of received from the deal with consoles.
I mean AMD must be swimming in cash and be the market leader in GPU sales........oh wait that is Nvidia.
AMD is almost bankrupt and unless they pull something great with their new Zen CPUs and 300 series GPUs they will go under.
I do find it funny when people think nVida are butthurt, forgetting that AMD basically sold out to get the contract.
At least for the CPU's, they must've practically gave them away. Cerny said the price was so cheap nobody would let him put a different CPU in there even though he wanted to, haha.
Of course neither MS or Sony wanted to lose a dime on the manufacturing so it's understandable, for Sony anyway.
It's actually the opposite. It's not scary at all, it's just business as usual for Nvidia.
lol Nvidia downplaying AMD after losing to AMD in all three consoles (Wii U, Xbone, PS4).
Nvidia PR work overtime as they put out a lot of articles in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 about how amazing the future is with Nvidia and how AMD and others are about to be destroyed....except years pass and it's the same old Bullsh**.
I don't blame Nvidia Corp. They make a living and this is the way they sell wares...I know I buy their cards along with AMD cards, but I don't quote their BS PR and I certainly don't feel excitement or panic anymore from them.
Yah I am sure Nvidia is so mad at AMD for all the money they could of received from the deal with consoles.
I mean AMD must be swimming in cash and be the market leader in GPU sales........oh wait that is Nvidia.
AMD is almost bankrupt and unless they pull something great with their new Zen CPUs and 300 series GPUs they will go under.
From what ive been reading about the 300 series is everything under 390 series are tweaked and rehashed gpu's from earlier series. AMD is hurting, so much that the release prices of the 390 series will be around $700 and 380x around $400, 380 around $330 etc etc. People upgrading from 7950 boost/7970 or ghz need to buy 290's or 380's or higher to actually notice any sizable differences.
If only PC's got the best games the industry has to offer.
According to gamespot, TW3 is one of the best games ever made, and it's best on PC :v
Reviewed on current gen 8 console leader PS4
Then I suppose the PC version is an 11/10 :o
If only PC's got the best games the industry has to offer.
According to gamespot, TW3 is one of the best games ever made, and it's best on PC :v
Reviewed on current gen 8 console leader PS4
Then I suppose the PC version is an 11/10 :o
Guess well have to see. Its shame PC cant get any exclusive 10/10's or a recent exclusive GOTY in the last decade+.
Guess well have to see. Its shame PC cant get any exclusive 10/10's or a recent exclusive GOTY in the last decade+.
I'd rather win GS/MC 3 gens in a row and have the better version of just about every video game released.
Nice. Then I can play Bloodborne at 4k/60fps
Oh wait...
games sell consoles, not hardware
lol one game this entire gen.
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