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Lair could very well be this generation's "Mario 64"
Yep, sure
jajajajajaja :lol:
thats funny ... uff....who are this guys anyways
Even Sony laughs at the Sony Defense Force.
It's funny that these fanboys actually think that Sony needs to be defended, like Sony can't do it themselves. I guess they forgot that Sony is a multi billion dollar company that can afford an army of PR specialists and lawyers.
Video game fanboyism is, and shall always be, stupid and lame. Just play your games and be happy!
I've seen Lair's controls, if you handle the SIXAXIS like a sane person and not a raving lunatic they look very responsive if you ask me. I think the reviewers were wrong, Play got it more right than Gamespot.ShmenonPieIn a recent interview with a Lair dev, the dev admitted he got the Sixaxis to correctly perform the 180 degree turn 8 out of 10 times. The fact even the people who made the game can't get it to do what they want all the time is unrefutable proof that the controls are seriously flawed. If the people who had hands on with the game for the past year still can't accurately control the game what chance does a new-to-gaming casual have?
lol the best one i read that WB is putting HP on two HD DVD discs with an intermission. (Not only would a compnay be so stupid, but to advertise the fact :roll)
Any one think this site is run by Sony, like the PSP one? xD
The source is a german site, translated it just says DVD still has a bonus disc BLU ray and HDVD keep it all on one disc :roll:
Wow i love that site :P
[QUOTE="Microsoft1234"]SDF stands for Sony Defense Force :lol:PS3_3DO
I thought it stands for Stupid Dumbf oh never mind! :lol:
lol Sony Defence Force = Stupid Dumb F--- :lol:
I've seen Lair's controls, if you handle the SIXAXIS like a sane person and not a raving lunatic they look very responsive if you ask me. I think the reviewers were wrong, Play got it more right than Gamespot.ShmenonPieI just finished the infamous bridge mission. What a mess - the camera was constantly pointed at what I just killed, not what I was aiming at. The side-ram fights are an annoying waste of time. I've done 4 levels and I still have no idea how to fight up close - they stopped showing the button map long before I had time to memorize it, but that doesn't matter, because I the buttons I do know, when pressed, bear absolutely no relation to what's being shown on-screen. In short, when something happens in the game, I never feel like I have any more control over it than random chance. And that's kind of the point of controls, now isn't it?
Well, I'm convinced. :P
But seriously, that site should be destroyed. Nothing but waste on the internet.
The online leaderboards are free people! Free! that makes it better than Super mario 64. that didn't have free online leaderboards did it?
Anyhow, it's fairly obvious that it's a joke site. So I'm gonna go ahead and rate their review a 2/10. If you're gonna make a joke review, make it funny dammit. The whole "look at us, we're huge cows!" song and dance number is just annoying.
As funny as that site is, I still want to know Play's reason for a 9/10 other then it "looked good on YouTube".maabus99
Same here but they are usually easy when they review the games.
This is the SDF we're talking about. If someone took a crap in a jewel case and told them it was a PS3 game, they'd give it a 10/10.
oh my god :lol:, go to the forums quick and look up "so who's getting the PS3 version of Bioshock?" it's hilarious :lol:
Look at the Bioshock review! :lol:
I almost threw up when I read SDF's Bioshock review.
Look at the Bioshock review! :lol:
I almost threw up when I read SDF's Bioshock review.
5/10 for Bioshock that's pathetic.
Link That means it's almost twice as good as Bioshock. In your face lemmings.DaysAirlines
ZOMG!!! *Runs out and buys PS3*
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