I hope you washed your butt today Nintendo,
because it's now getting kissed by your formal rival.
Sega Backpedals on the Wii Hate 1,001 Views
(This is the same guy who made the comment before :lol: )
"SEGA has fully supported the Wii since day one and we continue to do so - it's no secret that we are close partners. Nintendo has done a masterful job of selling its vision and expanding the market. That said, it's a shared responsibility and opportunity for the whole industry to take advantage of the possibilities of the Wii. If we don't realize its true potential, we will have missed a great opportunity to expand creatively and that is what I was cautioning against in the Reuters interview. I'm not just putting the responsibility of innovation on Nintendo. It's on SEGA and all the publishers and developers as well to carry that flag."
Guess they got scared of all those Nintendo fans and the Wii's current mainstream success. Talk about eating ones own words and being humbled!
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