I wouldn't mind downloading ps2 and DC titles (that I missed) onto the ps3.
There's mention of a big announcement at the back half of this year, which we now know is the PS3 Slim and price cut. However, there's finally confirmation that Sony is interested in emulating all PlayStation 2 games.
The notes reveal that "SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN." Whether this will come as a case by case basis, like the God of War remastering, or that Sony is creating a universal emulator for all PS3 models is unknown. Grand Theft Auto Vice City is one of the titles mentioned.
The publisher has been tasked with providing SCEA a list of titles so that they can choose which games they're interested in having exclusively. It is further added that "if we give them a long period of exclusivity they'll give us more marketing support."
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