@Heirren said:
@ConanTheStoner said:
A stipulation must be added here.
You're not allowed to post in this thread if you weren't alive and gaming back then. Lest we end up with shit like this.
@FreedomFreeLife said:
Sony came, killed Sega and kicked Nintendo-Ass.
PLAYSTATION VS XBOX changed gaming meanwhile SEGA vs Nintendo did not change so much.
It is partially true. Sega was already in the process of digging their grave by losing control of product support with too many things on the market at the same time. Meanwhile, Nintendo was continuously making 3rd party relations worse and worse--these developers already knew of the cart medium for the n64. So then there is Sony left on the drawing board with a somewhat developed console concept as the snes cd add on "playstation." Sony went for it and made all the right moves. They capitalized on the mistakes of the others on the market.
...Playstation vs Xbox didn't change gaming. The popularity of online gaming in the west via pc, and further popularized by branded "xbox live" changed gaming. The Playstation 2 was a caveman compared to xbox live. Had Microsoft not made that push it is likely the online systems would not have developed as fast.
Sega vs Nintendo = a little bit better graphics upgrade
Playstation came out, Sega was killed and Nintendo lost their position.
There was no Sega vs Nintendo since Nintendo wanted to team up with Sony but Sony saw that Nintendo and Sega were weak, they think "old way" and Sony gave huge graphics jump, gave us CD gaming and killed Sega and Nintendo lost their positsion. Look at Nintendo. Nintendo has only Wii U with own Nintendo exclusives but nothing else. Sony and Microsoft has a whole world.
Sega vs Nintendo = game studio vs game studio. Sony vs Microsoft = movie, multimedia, electronic vs Windows, Cloud
Xbox vs Playstation gave us = online gaming, friend list and voice chat, matchmaking, single ID, trophies/achivements, updates, dlcs, community, cloud gaming. Not only that, but we finally had motion gaming like Kinect games. Then it was no longer only about gaming but multimedia like watching movies, buy music, movies, play demos, surf internet, buying exclusive games, 3d gaming and like that.
Sega did not push online gaming. Online gaming was already on PC. In fact Halo was this game that changed online gaming on consoles.
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