I'm going with Bioshock 2.
There general consensus seems to be that it paled it comparison to the first, but I couldn't disagree more.Bioshock 2 IMO is clearly superior to the original. The story and villain might not be as strong, but it at least comparable (and the audio logs had more character IMO) and almost everything else is better in Bio2.
I was very impressed with the improvements to the gunplay. Where the first Bioshock's gunplay had a "hit all the standard notes and rely on plasmids to make combat interesting" sort of feel to it (a philosophy which by and large worked but left much room for improvement), Bioshock 2's gunplay is legitimately exciting. The weapons are more interesting and pack more punch; the ability to shoot plasmids and regular weapons at the same time is probably the driving factor in making the action feel more frantic and full of adrenaline. The action simply felt better.
I also thought the level design was much improved. To me, Bioshock 1's areas (besides Fort Frolic), while being brilliant pieces of one of the greatest game environments, felt like the standard tour of Rapture (which is appropriate in the first game). Bioshock 2's areas feel much more "off the beaten path" and have a certain off the beaten path flare to them. They have more "surprises" (i.e. the amusement park) so to say, more locales of interest. I didn't think it was possible for Rapture to look any more interesting than it all ready did, but it really does look more interesting in Bioshock 2 IMO. It is more detailed and has more texture. Touches like the glowing coral and the underwater segments give Bioshock 2's rapture a deeper, richer, and more vibrant beauty than the first game. I feel that the developers especially make better use of color in Bioshock 2.
The Little Sister mechanic was also more interesting in Bioshock 2 as well. I still think they could flesh it out even more, but the adoption mechanic was undoubtedly more interesting than the stark "to harvest or not to harvest" mechanic of the first game. And the fights that took place when the little sisters gathered adam were really intense.
The only complaints I had was the relative lack of new plasmids and the inability to backtrack.
Anyway, what are some so-called inferior sequels that you think are better?
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