[QUOTE="-Renegade"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="-Renegade"] hey man i am just telling it like it is. many people feel the same way that is why 360 does so poorly in worldwide sales. lair is being made by a very talented developer who we have seen their past work. we know its going to be a good title because of their previous games. the fans speak for themselves concerning the gt vs. forza debate because gt has sold 8x what forza has sold.
Yeah to bad people feel worse about the PS3 considering they are getting spanked every where besides Japan. Its sales are poor world wide more so then the 360's.
You talk about sales between GT vs Forza and that the fans speak for themselves? Well guess what by your logic the PS3 is the worst system on the market. Hey the fans speak for themselves after all.
people are just waiting for the better games to come out. sales will pick up later this year and won't fall off once the big hitters start coming in august. in the end ps3 will win and by this time next year ps3 will be outselling 360.
Meaning that the 360 is better right now as it is selling more ending the point of your thread showing you that people are buying a 360 because it is better right now. You said so yourself that the fans speak for themselves. Well video gamers speak that the 360 is better now thus the reason to own a 360 right now. Your point of the PS3 outselling the 360 cannot be proven and is speculation. The 360 selling better then PS3 is a fact at this moment so just accept it and the fact that you were owned by your own logic.
And that right there is the C4 that completely obliterates Renegades "arguments" (and I use that word loosely as it was so poorly constructed to begin with). Way to go Blackbond :D :D 8)
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