Nah I don't think so.. simply because it's inconsistent.
And you believe that because people who don't own the game on this website keep saying that I presume?
Ok here it is, Crysis is inconsistent so it's can't be considered GFx kings right? According to you anyway, If you claimit isn't inconsitant as wellyou simply haven't played the game. NO games is 100 precent but GOW3 more consistant than most games but Uncharted is more consistant.
There ARE few random placed in GOW3 that I could laughably say truely look like PS1 textures, this is why people sayit's inconsistant because it's such a stricking change from seeing the incredible detail thru out the rest of the game, and it's low quality parts are worse than less impressive games, however this is in no way shape of form what you see during 95 precent of the game. The only reason people say UC2 is better is because there isn't such a drastic change in the lower quality portings BUT THERE ARE LOW QUALTIY PORTIONS IN ALL GAMES NO MATTER HOW IMPRESSIVE THE OVERALL GAME IS.
The reason why GOW3 is the best is because during theMAJORITY it's more impressive than the other impressive portions of other games said to look impressive. using the low qualty portions of the game to try to disregard the majority of the games impressive feats is illogical.
How about this killzone 2 was "inconsistant" too--but it was hailed as the best looking game on consoles when it releasedfor what it didabove the few inconsistant parts that all games have. and honestly KZ2 is more inconsistant than GOW3 but you think this argument is sound.
I don't think KZ2 was inconsistent, everything looked up to par to me, I would have to go looking for bad textures or something in KZ2, in GOW you don't even have to look... BTW GOW 3 is my favourite game on PS3.. if any of you take a look at my post history you can see that.
ok Im NOT a GOW fan.
In fact I hated the whole GOW fighting system and bought both GOW & 2 and didn't play more then 10 min between them. I was not hyped by the brovado of the franchise or other PS3 fans claim aboutGOW3'sgreatness--in fact the only reason I bought the game was because Gamestop had a 49.99 sale of GOW3 and I said WTH and bought it. I didn't even expect to be impressed because I played the demo it was just ok for what I expect for PS3 graphics, but the gameplay kinda grew on me.
GOW3 blew my frecking head off with what id presented on a whole when I actually played the final game. I can literally count the times that I saw those unimpressive portions of the game so far not only because they are so apparent but because they are so few.
:? I mean I could tell you where they are but since you've played the game you should already know. How long has it been since you've played it? what is the size and kind of HDTV are you using and are you using HDMI?
There's just no way around it in my eyes because this game made me respect it's impressiveness where I didn't even care it's graphics when I bought the game. Killzone 2 is way more inconsistant than GOW3 it's just not as bad as GOW3 is in it's bad parts. I mean you need to play these games back to back and then come back, and unless you are playingon a good HDTV using HDMI it's really not reliable.
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