Best in the industry, far superior to Nintendo (of course).
10/10 on Gamespot
95/10 on Meta
That simple.

"Shadow of the Erdtree was a wonderful experience that I will remember as the best DLC FromSoft has developed. And While Shadow of the Erdtree adds more to the Elden Ring experience and continues the narrative, it unfortunately feels like more of the same. For more Eldenring content, stay tuned to IGN." 7/10 IGN
when i think about the problems i had with elden ring, i think of things like - some of the late game areas didn't feel as dense or content rich as earlier ones, a lot of the underground content felt like similar variations of one another, some of the bosses weren't all that memorable, it was very difficult to follow npc quests and take in all the lore because the game world was so big and narrative delivery so typically opaque - those kind of things.
but then i think the other side of the coin is, it's not only a huge game, it's a huge fromsoft game, and their first attempt at open world, so these things were kind of inevitable, and also forgivable, given that so much of the game was ridiculously good. on my second run i finished it with about 90% complete and it took me maybe 170 hours which is crazy, that's without having many problems with any areas or bosses, other than the two gargoyles and the elden beast.
so i'm hoping the dlc can address some of these issues. more refined, more focused, more compact, and even more epic. after cooking for two years, unheard of for a fromsoft dlc, i can't see how this won't get anything other than 10s across the board
10/10 - GS
96 - MC
I absolutely loved Elden Ring and am super hyped for Shadow of the Erdtree. Only two weeks away now.
This will change everything.
Bro, this is your quote people meme you with. You can't use it on yourself, it makes you look like a mega🤡🤡🤡
30hrs of gameplay content in a DLC. No wonder it's, as every reviewer keeps mentioning ad nauseum, "Elden Rings first and only DLC." LOL
Eurogamer wasn't as keen. 3 stars from them.
They didn't like the mix of uncharacteristically blunt handholding, and difficult-to-the-point-of-not-being-fun bosses.
I bought Elden ring on PC and the game is WAY too hard for me (I cannot even beat Margit), but I sure do love watching it! Grats on the 10 it is VERY well deserved!
Eurogamer wasn't as keen. 3 stars from them.
They didn't like the mix of uncharacteristically blunt handholding, and difficult-to-the-point-of-not-being-fun bosses.
First i hear of this, and i couldn't be happier to hear it. Damn! Thank you eurogamer.
Miyazaki is a liar. Shadow of the Erdtree is more than half the size of Elden Ring. It is a massive expansion that shatters expectations, and I've played 65 hours of it and am still discovering new places and items as of last night.
— Gene Park (@GenePark) June 18, 2024
Eurogamer wasn't as keen. 3 stars from them.
They didn't like the mix of uncharacteristically blunt handholding, and difficult-to-the-point-of-not-being-fun bosses.
First i hear of this, and i couldn't be happier to hear it. Damn! Thank you eurogamer.
I read the article and I only found them complaining about the final boss, not every boss. And the hand-holding being in one particular area of the game, where From left pretty obvious messages of what to do, and what not to do.
Eurogamer wasn't as keen. 3 stars from them.
They didn't like the mix of uncharacteristically blunt handholding, and difficult-to-the-point-of-not-being-fun bosses.
First i hear of this, and i couldn't be happier to hear it. Damn! Thank you eurogamer.
I read the article and I only found them complaining about the final boss, not every boss. And the hand-holding being in one particular area of the game, where From left pretty obvious messages of what to do, and what not to do.
okay okay no spoilers, i am not reading anything for a reason.
Perhaps I'll go back and finish Elden Ring one day and I'll want to play this, but I'm in no hurry. It's not like even if a game like that is hard that you can't just grind levels, so it has nothing to do with that, it's just the tedium and slow gameplay. I usually like faster action or more intense strategy, but I understand games like this are in the middle. It took me years to appreciate grid based, turn based, card games, puzzle games, etc. I'm sure I could get into the game more if I tried, and I do acknowledge it's a good game... just not nearly as good as people pretend it is. I'm probably lying around 40 to 50 percent through the game and simply lost interest to other games that released. Unfortunately they happens to me way to often... I could stop buying as many games, but thats what makes finding a game I enjoy enough to play through to thr end all that much better.
Smart of them to increase the handholding. Elden Ring is the easiest game they’ve ever made, that’s why everyone likes it so much.
When are you buying it? I want you to keep spamming your Moonveil, bro.
@hardwenzen: When it releases. And I’m Glass Cannon Mage mate. But Moonveil Greatsword it pimp. This game has the most OP builds. Every weapon can be exploited. This the easiest Fromsoft game ever made. That’s why it’s so popular. Except it’s PVP is trash.
@hardwenzen: When it releases. And I’m Glass Cannon Mage mate. But Moonveil Greatsword it pimp. This game has the most OP builds. Every weapon can be exploited. This the easiest Fromsoft game ever made. That’s why it’s so popular. Except it’s PVP is trash.
You disgust me, you know that, right?
Perhaps I'll go back and finish Elden Ring one day and I'll want to play this, but I'm in no hurry. It's not like even if a game like that is hard that you can't just grind levels, so it has nothing to do with that, it's just the tedium and slow gameplay. I usually like faster action or more intense strategy, but I understand games like this are in the middle. It took me years to appreciate grid based, turn based, card games, puzzle games, etc. I'm sure I could get into the game more if I tried, and I do acknowledge it's a good game... just not nearly as good as people pretend it is. I'm probably lying around 40 to 50 percent through the game and simply lost interest to other games that released. Unfortunately they happens to me way to often... I could stop buying as many games, but thats what makes finding a game I enjoy enough to play through to thr end all that much better.
Such a curious statement. Not as good as people "pretend" it to be? My first question is how did you come to that conclusion that people pretend it's good? I would surmise that people who really enjoyed it hold it in very high regard, and you do not. Nothing fake about that. It's like me and Alan Wake 2. It's my favorite game of all time, hands down, highly recommend, etc. Will everyone agree? Nope. :)
Probably in the minority but I kinda wish there was a way to start with a fresh character.
Going back to my dude form two years ago who is loaded down with all manner of random shit, and having to sort through all that to find new items etc. feels like it will put a damper on my enjoyment. Would rather start such a big expansion with a clean slate.
still looking forward to it though. I like the sound of it being more dense/intricate as my biggest issues with the base game was that it felt a bit diluted/watered down with how big and open some of the areas were, especially later in the game.
Probably in the minority but I kinda wish there was a way to start with a fresh character.
Going back to my dude form two years ago who is loaded down with all manner of random shit, and having to sort through all that to find new items etc. feels like it will put a damper on my enjoyment. Would rather start such a big expansion with a clean slate.
still looking forward to it though. I like the sound of it being more dense/intricate as my biggest issues with the base game was that it felt a bit diluted/watered down with how big and open some of the areas were, especially later in the game.
What? Store all that shit on your storage, you don't need to have a bunch of filler on your character.
Probably in the minority but I kinda wish there was a way to start with a fresh character.
Going back to my dude form two years ago who is loaded down with all manner of random shit, and having to sort through all that to find new items etc. feels like it will put a damper on my enjoyment. Would rather start such a big expansion with a clean slate.
still looking forward to it though. I like the sound of it being more dense/intricate as my biggest issues with the base game was that it felt a bit diluted/watered down with how big and open some of the areas were, especially later in the game.
What? Store all that shit on your storage, you don't need to have a bunch of filler on your character.
yea, I guess I could do that. my lazy habits with gear management in the base game coming back to haunt me lol
@hardwenzen: Poor wenzen gets triggered when people don't like the games he likes, have a tablespoon of cement and harden up softwenzen 🤣
Did you see my flawless prediction? Instead of bitching, respect me.
@hardwenzen: You're the one bitching at my opinion because it doesn't match up with yours, poor wenzen ðŸ˜
Metacritic sided with me. When you become this good at predicting scores, talk to me. Until then, you're not on my level.
@hardwenzen: You predicted the score for dlc to a game that's already out and scored highly whoopdy do lol.
Remember I predicted Starfield getting a 7 while you predicted a 9. You're not on my level junior 🤣
My metacritic and gs score are both flawless. You gotta understand that i don't mess around. I see a trailer, i know the approximate quality of the game. If i see some 30 minutes plus gameplay without cuts, i can tell exactly how good the game is gonna be without ever playing it.
Do you know how this is called? Its called Talent. I have it, while you don't.
didn't see this thread had popped back up. apparently a major focus on verticality in the dlc. i'm going to have to use an existing save, tried to start a new game a few days ago but almost zero chance of getting to mohg unless i pully a sickie at work til the weekend.
@Pedro: weren't you the first on here to finish elden ring? i remember the big thread when it launched and vaguely remember you getting there first. are you jumping back in and picking this up on friday?
didn't see this thread had popped back up. apparently a major focus on verticality in the dlc. i'm going to have to use an existing save, tried to start a new game a few days ago but almost zero chance of getting to mohg unless i pully a sickie at work til the weekend.
@Pedro: weren't you the first on here to finish elden ring? i remember the big thread when it launched and vaguely remember you getting there first. are you jumping back in and picking this up on friday?
I am not jumping back in on Friday. Outside of the fact that I will be traveling, I am not moved to experience the same aesthetics of all souls games. Unless something changes based on new information, I will be passing on it for now.
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