PS4 and Xbox One have the capability to save and share gameplay clips but there’s one big difference: users will be able to share Xbox One gameplay clips all over the web, including YouTube.
Microsoft’s new game console hooks into the tech giant’s SkyDrive and that means that your XB1 snippets will show up on the cloud service’s desktop or mobile clients. It’ll presumably be only a couple of clicks to move clips to YouTube, Vimeo or similar sharing sites. Keep in mind that recordings from PS4 gameplay can be shared via Facebook or with PlayStation Network friends, options that are far more limited than being able to put it where you want. Sony has said that it will eventually have YouTube support for the PS4.
Huh really kotaku. Maybe I have some kind of limited edition PS4 then, everything else though is right. Seems you can share videos in more places. IF that matters to you.
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