[QUOTE="wasted_wisdom"][QUOTE="timbers_WSU"] On XBLA I am not sure. I don't stay up at night deciding what to buy. I won't say "Well I should get this because my friends with a PS3 will be jealous." My Sony loving friends do that and end up at my house because they don't like their games. But I can see my collection from here and can tell you my exclusives and games I can't get on PS3. Halo 4 Halo Reach Alan Wake Kameo Metro 2033 Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Forza 4 Forza Horizon Fable 2 Fable 3 Splinter Cell Conviction PGR4 Dance Central 3 Kinect Sports Collection And yesterday I traded Left 4 Dead 2. I play games. I do not give 2 $hits if it is an exclusives, requires an add-on, is digital only, can be played on my phone, requires a female.....I honestly do not care. I will take the Halo, Forza, Gears combo over every PS3 exclusive. That is what I like.timbers_WSU
Well I'm not going to address your friends but those games you just listed are meh. I don't see variety. I see shooter series, racing series, fable and I have no comment on the kinect. Idk I'm thinking you just proved my point A racing game, an RPG, A dance game, a fps, a tps, a survivor horror game, an action adventure game....and you see no variety? See. You just proved my point. If someone shows a Cow they are wrong they will come back with some ignorant statement which makes them look desperate and arrogant. I said it would happen. You all would just brush the truth to the side,,,,,,,and it happened. That is why no one gives a $hit what you all say anymore. You are all irrelevant. I get my PS3 facts from Sheep and Hermits. At least they pretend to be honest.Thanks by the way.....You just gave me something new for my sig.
u want variety?
Racing- Gran Turismo, Motorstorm, Wipeout
Shooters- Killzone, Resistance
Action/adventure- Uncharted, MGS4, The Last of Us, Infamous, God of War, Heavenly Sword
RPG- Demons Souls, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles
Platformers- Ratchet & Clank, LBP
Sports- MLB The Show, Hot Shots Golf
Indie- Journey
Interactive- Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 souls
I bet u feel sad now huh lem?
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