These are the same folks who claim to have enjoyed their gamecubes.
I wouldn't trust them to be honest about the state of the Wii.
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These are the same folks who claim to have enjoyed their gamecubes.
I wouldn't trust them to be honest about the state of the Wii.
I wasso excited to seeNintendo have a chance to regainits former glory, as I loved the NES and SNES. What gamer doesn't like Nintendo? Even the N64 had some killer games, even if Iwas playing PSX more at that point.
But yeah, so far we have Zelda and Paper Mario, both great,and a bunch of crappy ports and shallow party games. I knoweveryone keepsmaking these lists ofsupposedly great games. But no, Battalion Wars, Mario Strikers, Trauma Center 2, UmbrellaChronicles... these games don't excite. Nights, Zach and Wiki, No More Heroes... MAYBE. But compared to what exclusives the 360 and PS3 are offering... not even close. Don't forget about all the great multi-plats that the Wii will not see (Assasins Creed, GTA4, etc).
I can't wait for Metroid and Mario Galaxy, but what then? Mario Kart and SSB are the exact same thing w/updated graphics, and they are bothmulti-player only really.Where is Wave Race, PilotWings, Pikmin, Starfox, and all those other great IP's that haven't been touched in years? I'd trade allthe Mario Party/Strikers/Baseball/Kart/etc games in the world for ONE of those to show up on the Wii.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Indeed.These are the same folks who claim to have enjoyed their gamecubes.
I wouldn't trust them to be honest about the state of the Wii.
I wonder if sheep realise that while playing the same 4 mascot games every couple years works for them, it doesn't work for everyone else.
If Mario and friends wasn't enough for gamers during the Gamecube Nintendrought, what makes thinks sheep think that once gamers realise the same is coming for the Wii that they will stand for it? What, will we play Wi Sports and Mario until 2012, hoping for a couple nice titles inbetween to tide them over?
For sheep, big titles other than Nintendo mascot games are major events. For cows, lemmings and even hermits, they are the norm. Nintendo promised different for the sheep a year ago, yet where is the progress? Wii Fit?
yea what the hell is announced for 08' for Wii anyway? mario kart is all ive seen.... lame.... very lame....oh wait animal crossing as well.... if you like that kind of thing
[QUOTE="SuperMario_46"]I can't wait for Indianapolis 500 legends and Project HAMMER ! Project HAMMER , when is that coming out again ?Yes, of course. Residen evil 4, super paper mario, scarface, the godfather, Rayman, wii sports, DBZ BT 2, Mortal kombat, Excite truck, ssx blur, sonic, Zelda, Mario strikers 2. And very soon: Disaster,Smash bros. brawl, Mario galaxy, metroid prime 3, zack & wiki, NIGHTS,Mario & Sonic, de Blob, Dave Mirra, Nitrobike, endless ocean, Bully, DBZ BT 3, Fire emblem GoD, Battalion Wars II,Mario kartwii, Destroy all humans, Geometry wars, RE: umbrella chronicles, MYsims, No more heroes, Dewy's adventure, Fynal fantasy CC, Tales of symphonia 2, Project HAMMER, Guilty gear XX, Naruto rev., Godzilla, Dragon Blade, Indianapolis 500 legends, Boogie, Tomb raider, Cruis n', Soulcalibur legends, donkey kong barrel blas, Ghost squad & Victorious boxers.
I think i'm pretty much satisfied.
2008 most likely.
I'm not saying the Wii doesn't have an audience. Sales prove that they do. But there audience of real gamers have to be happy with only 2 or 3 really good games a year. I'm sorry, try as I might, I just don't care about Trauma Center, Deweyand Mario Olympics.rpawloski2458
Yes, I'm quite happy, seeing as I've already got a bigger Wii library than I did for my PS2. Nintendo promised me great games from their classic series and within the first year we have: Zelda, WarioWare, Super Paper Mario, Mario Party, Pokemon, Mario Strikers, and Metriod. 7 heavey hitters spread out over the first year with 2 more to go before 08. I can't remember the last time we had so many first party games in 1 year.
As far as new IPs go, you can bet Wii Sports will have some sort of sequel, and who says IPs have to come from first party alone. We're already seeing Red Steel 2 and a second Rabbids game. Perhaps Elebits, Dewey's Adventure, or Zack + Wiki will turn into great series.
Fanboys like to slam the Wii and it's supporters for the lack of the bigger "hardcore games" like RE5, GTA, Soulcalibur, and Assassins Creed, but we already knew we weren't getting those games. It's not like six months after the Wii launched they suddenly said, "Oh by the way, you won't be getting GTA4 afterall." And while they may be considered offshoots, Wii will be the only ones getting a RE orSC game this year.
As for 08, I haven't seen a lot of things set from any of the big 3 for 08 at least not with any kind of definate release date.
I'm not saying the Wii doesn't have an audience. Sales prove that they do. But there audience of real gamers have to be happy with only 2 or 3 really good games a year. I'm sorry, try as I might, I just don't care about Trauma Center, Deweyand Mario Olympics.rpawloski2458i am what you could call a core gamer -- by years end ill have 13 wii games. what you like =/= what others like. you might like say HALO, i do not for example....
I'm not saying the Wii doesn't have an audience. Sales prove that they do. But there audience of real gamers have to be happy with only 2 or 3 really good games a year. I'm sorry, try as I might, I just don't care about Trauma Center, Deweyand Mario Olympics.rpawloski2458
Now I know you haven't played it.
Yes, I'm quite happy, seeing as I've already got a bigger Wii library than I did for my PS2. shadowcat2576Already?
Yes, I'm quite happy, seeing as I've already got a bigger Wii library than I did for my PS2. Nintendo promised me great games from their classic series and within the first year we have: Zelda, WarioWare, Super Paper Mario, Mario Party, Pokemon, Mario Strikers, and Metriod. 7 heavey hitters spread out over the first year with 2 more to go before 08. I can't remember the last time we had so many first party games in 1 year.
As far as new IPs go, you can bet Wii Sports will have some sort of sequel, and who says IPs have to come from first party alone. We're already seeing Red Steel 2 and a second Rabbids game. Perhaps Elebits, Dewey's Adventure, or Zack + Wiki will turn into great series.
Fanboys like to slam the Wii and it's supporters for the lack of the bigger "hardcore games" like RE5, GTA, Soulcalibur, and Assassins Creed, but we already knew we weren't getting those games. It's not like six months after the Wii launched they suddenly said, "Oh by the way, you won't be getting GTA4 afterall." And while they may be considered offshoots, Wii will be the only ones getting a RE orSC game this year.
As for 08, I haven't seen a lot of things set from any of the big 3 for 08 at least not with any kind of definate release date.
whatever makes you happy
[QUOTE="h575309"][QUOTE="Weslii"]lol this year is Nintendo's best year ever.
They're releasing all the big titles in 1,5 year
A new Zelda
A new Mario
A new Metroid
A new Mario Kart
A new Paper Mario
A new Smash Bros
A new Batallion Wars
+Some new IPs.
Sometimes I wonder if you cows or lemmings are blind cause 1st party alone we have LOTS of games to play an/or look forward to.
And then 3rd party:
Zack and Wiki
Resident Evil 4
Mario & Sonic @ olympic games.
Umbrella Chronicles
Madden 08 (Wii = best version)
Trauma Center: New blood
And I know I've missed some major titles.Grodus5
ill give you metroid and mario.... ssbb is only good MP if you have friends around...mario kart is next year...the rest...re4 and zelda are on GC so they dont count (we arent counting NGS i assume)...NiGHTs was never that great of a franchise in the first place... maddens on every system ("best version" cant be claimed yet b/c its not out)... and the other 3 or 4... MEH
I dunno, I enjoyed single player Melee more then single player Halo.Ya but thats not saying much. The problem I seewith the wiiis I personallydon't want sequals to 10 year old nintendo franchises with different controls I want "Some new IPs" which i seeare not listed here. I'm a sony fan andI see that on top of our great franchises which aregetting sequals or prequalswere alsogetting what look to be great new IPs. Its not that ihave problems with old franchises its just i have problems whennew gamesforold franchises are all thats being released.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Indeed.These are the same folks who claim to have enjoyed their gamecubes.
I wouldn't trust them to be honest about the state of the Wii.
I wonder if sheep realise that while playing the same 4 mascot games every couple years works for them, it doesn't work for everyone else.
If Mario and friends wasn't enough for gamers during the Gamecube Nintendrought, what makes thinks sheep think that once gamers realise the same is coming for the Wii that they will stand for it? What, will we play Wi Sports and Mario until 2012, hoping for a couple nice titles inbetween to tide them over?
For sheep, big titles other than Nintendo mascot games are major events. For cows, lemmings and even hermits, they are the norm. Nintendo promised different for the sheep a year ago, yet where is the progress? Wii Fit?
Logic FTW!!!!!Already?To be fair, I got most of my multiplats on GC, and I was becoming less interested in gaming because of the shift in genres, and money/time issues for part of the gen. However, I do have 13 or 14 Wii games already and expect to have around 20 or more before the end of the year (and Metriod is not one of them) I've never built up a library on any other system so quickly.[QUOTE="shadowcat2576"] Yes, I'm quite happy, seeing as I've already got a bigger Wii library than I did for my PS2. Jandurin
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]Already?To be fair, I got most of my multiplats on GC, and I was becoming less interested in gaming because of the shift in genres, and money/time issues for part of the gen. However, I do have 13 or 14 Wii games already and expect to have around 20 or more before the end of the year (and Metriod is not one of them) I've never built up a library on any other system so quickly.[QUOTE="shadowcat2576"] Yes, I'm quite happy, seeing as I've already got a bigger Wii library than I did for my PS2. shadowcat2576
Me neither xD
So what are these great new IPs and Major Hits? Tell us, if you can think of any.
Kameo, Project Gotham Racing, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Viva Pinata, Banjo 3, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Fable 2, Resident Evil 5...
[QUOTE="diggyzoom"][QUOTE="SuperMario_46"]I can't wait for Indianapolis 500 legends and Project HAMMER ! Project HAMMER , when is that coming out again ?Yes, of course. Residen evil 4, super paper mario, scarface, the godfather, Rayman, wii sports, DBZ BT 2, Mortal kombat, Excite truck, ssx blur, sonic, Zelda, Mario strikers 2. And very soon: Disaster,Smash bros. brawl, Mario galaxy, metroid prime 3, zack & wiki, NIGHTS,Mario & Sonic, de Blob, Dave Mirra, Nitrobike, endless ocean, Bully, DBZ BT 3, Fire emblem GoD, Battalion Wars II,Mario kartwii, Destroy all humans, Geometry wars, RE: umbrella chronicles, MYsims, No more heroes, Dewy's adventure, Fynal fantasy CC, Tales of symphonia 2, Project HAMMER, Guilty gear XX, Naruto rev., Godzilla, Dragon Blade, Indianapolis 500 legends, Boogie, Tomb raider, Cruis n', Soulcalibur legends, donkey kong barrel blas, Ghost squad & Victorious boxers.
I think i'm pretty much satisfied.
2008 most likely.
I will buy a Wii when that game comes out .......... it looks like a God of War killer.[QUOTE="Grodus5"][QUOTE="h575309"][QUOTE="Weslii"]lol this year is Nintendo's best year ever.
They're releasing all the big titles in 1,5 year
A new Zelda
A new Mario
A new Metroid
A new Mario Kart
A new Paper Mario
A new Smash Bros
A new Batallion Wars
+Some new IPs.
Sometimes I wonder if you cows or lemmings are blind cause 1st party alone we have LOTS of games to play an/or look forward to.
And then 3rd party:
Zack and Wiki
Resident Evil 4
Mario & Sonic @ olympic games.
Umbrella Chronicles
Madden 08 (Wii = best version)
Trauma Center: New blood
And I know I've missed some major titles.Puppa_Shogun
ill give you metroid and mario.... ssbb is only good MP if you have friends around...mario kart is next year...the rest...re4 and zelda are on GC so they dont count (we arent counting NGS i assume)...NiGHTs was never that great of a franchise in the first place... maddens on every system ("best version" cant be claimed yet b/c its not out)... and the other 3 or 4... MEH
I dunno, I enjoyed single player Melee more then single player Halo.Ya but thats not saying much. The problem I seewith the wiiis I personallydon't want sequals to 10 year old nintendo franchises with different controls I want "Some new IPs" which i seeare not listed here. I'm a sony fan andI see that on top of our great franchises which aregetting sequals or prequalswere alsogetting what look to be great new IPs. Its not that ihave problems with old franchises its just i have problems whennew gamesforold franchises are all thats being released.
Final Fantasy 13, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran Turismo 5 :|
so I guess when i had a gamecube me enjoying titles like wind waker, smash bros mellee, re4, mgs: the twin snakes, pikmin 1 and 2, metroid prime etc were all nothing but a bunch of years of liesThese are the same folks who claim to have enjoyed their gamecubes.
I wouldn't trust them to be honest about the state of the Wii.
[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="diggyzoom"]I can't wait for Indianapolis 500 legends and Project HAMMER ! Project HAMMER , when is that coming out again ?diggyzoom
2008 most likely.
I will buy a Wii when that game comes out .......... it looks like a God of War killer. Ugh. Project HAMMER looks crappy :PXMen Legends killer, maybe.
to answer your question yes i got what i wanted,different orriganal games, unlike the 360. pretty much the same games over and over agin. abonch of fps.
halo- shoot aliens
bioshock-shoot mutants
cod4-shoot people
u getwhat im sayin?
Are we playing the generalization game?
Red Steel: Shoot Yakuza
Call of Duty 3: Shoot soldiers
Metroid Prime 3: Shoot aliens
This is fun!
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] These are the same folks who claim to have enjoyed their I guess when i had a gamecube me enjoying titles like wind waker, smash bros mellee, re4, mgs: the twin snakes, pikmin 1 and 2, metroid prime etc were all nothing but a bunch of years of liesWell, yeah, of course. He clearly thought otherwise, and the word of Bread_or_Decide is the law. :evil:I wouldn't trust them to be honest about the state of the Wii.Shinobishyguy
[QUOTE="shadowcat2576"][QUOTE="Jandurin"]Already?To be fair, I got most of my multiplats on GC, and I was becoming less interested in gaming because of the shift in genres, and money/time issues for part of the gen. However, I do have 13 or 14 Wii games already and expect to have around 20 or more before the end of the year (and Metriod is not one of them) I've never built up a library on any other system so quickly.[QUOTE="shadowcat2576"] Yes, I'm quite happy, seeing as I've already got a bigger Wii library than I did for my PS2. Eponique
Me neither xD
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