Xbox 360 will outsell Wii from September thru December.Halo 2 outsold MP2 lifetime sales by more that a factor of 2 in one day. Don't believe me? Look up the numbers. So, MP3 will not help sell Wiis all that much. SSBB? It won't even come close to beating Halo 3 sales like I originally thought. Nope. And I'm not a Wii-hater either. I can't stand Halo. But, it is time to face the facts. And no, I'm not pretending to have a crystal ball this time. No, this time it is very obvious sheep. Here's what will happen...
1. Xbox 360 will outsell Wii consistently from September - December.
2. Halo 3 will easily outsell SSBB.
3. Halo 3 will beat MP3 lifetime sales in a single day. Sheep need to remember...MP2 was a lot more unpopular than MP. MP2 left a bad taste in many gamers' mouths.
Themost ironicthing is this though...even though lemmings HATED Halo 2 singleplayer and complain, Halo 3 will still sell vastly better than Halo 2. I've said it b4...lemmings don't care about singleplayer in Halo games anymore. Sure, they complain for the sake of complaining. But I'm SURE that many lemmings jumped immediately into Halo 2 multiplayer and didn't give a damn about the singleplayer experience. Don't kid yourselves lemmings. You don't care about the singleplayer in Halo games anymore.
So there it is. I personally can't stand Halo. I'd rather play Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon this year. But not the lemmings. Oh no. Their precious Halo franchise is all they really care about. All the other Xbox 360 games are just "filler" to fill the void in lemmings hearts from not being about to play teh Halo 3 yet. :cry: And don't tell me I'm exaggerating either. Lemmings themselves have said this. Go way back and try to find GeOW posts when it 1st released. A LOT of the comments were "great game, but it is just a taste b4 Halo 3". Seriously, do lemmings truly enjoy other games besides the Halo franchise, or are other games just "filler" until the next Halo. Uh oh! What on God's green earth are lemmings going to do if there is no Halo 4? Are they gonna :cry: and quit games forever? What are they going to do without their Master Chief?
Happy? I bashed both Wii and 360 this time...not just Wii.
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