Mr. Miyamoto may have been a pioneer in the gaming world, and his contributions are exceptionally noteworthy without doubt, but he's also become one of Nintendo's biggest thorns. He should do the right thing and step away from the company. Thank goodness for Satoru Iwata, because if Mr. M were president, we would never see ANY violent or mature titles even attempted to be made for the Wii, and it would have never been made online capable, no matter what you think of Nintendo's current haphazard online scheme. Remember how he totally dissed Rare during the N64 era over Goldeneye, because the game features guns and violence? Even though it was one of the best games (and some say THE best) for the system.
Although he's more or less just a figurehead now, why does he still have so much influence there? Game developers have caught up with, and surpassed his ideas and concepts for a long time now. Yet still, it seems every game made for the Wii has to have his personal stamp of approval and blessing to be made for the system. Well, I think that's a load. We live in the "What have you done for me lately?" age now, and Mr. Miyamoto, it seems, is happy to ride out the coattails of his past accomplishments until the day he dies, without attempting anything new or groundbreaking as Super Mario 64 was thirteen years ago. Wii Music? Well, I think we all know how that one turned out.
Sony didn't have any trouble pushing Ken Kutaragi out the door, and his influence was just as strong over there as Mr. Miyamoto's was to Nintendo. Yea, Krazy Ken was known for saying some ridiculous things -- "4d gaming, 120 fps on ps3 games, you will work harder to buy a ps3" , but he was also an electronics genius, and the Playstation brand would never have achieved the heights it did without him. Even said, Sony knew it was time to pull the plug and gave Mr. Kutaragi an honorary sendoff 2 years ago.
Well, it's gone well past that time for Shigeru Miyamoto. I just think it's sad that the multitude of Mario and Nintendo fans here (and everywhere) can't seem to come to grips with this.
P.S. --- I would have attempted to send this in for the Soapbox , but seeing as how Gamespot's editors won't accept anything criticizing the big N, I didn't bother. So if you have something noteworthy to add that contradictis all the crud being put in there , post it in System Wars. Fight the power.
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