The gaming world at the moment is seemingly full of whiners complaining that X 'Should Be Free' or this is too expensive and should be cheaper.
If you examine the phrase 'Should Be Free' what are they actually trying to say. 'Should be free' from a moral obligation? Well, I can understand education 'should be free' or healthcare 'should be free'. Fine, you can realistically argue those things should be free from a moral perspective but video game services or add-on game content?! I think not.
What they are actually saying if you expand that sentance is, X should be free because I want it. Hardly a compelling argument is it? In fact, it's very childish. Most people get to an age where they realise many things in life are financially out of their reach or simply too expensive to be a sensible purchase given their means and they accept this and stop whining about it.
Porsche 911s should be cheaper because I want one.
The sole purpose of a business is to make profit, if you understand this what is there to whine about? Sure, it's a fair comment to say, I think X should be cheaper because that would actually end up be beneficial for the company in the long run, I think they would make more profit. I think this about the Video Marketplace, I think dropping the price would actually cause a significant increase in customers. Lets be honest though, Microsoft has more than a few highly paid people to set prices for this type of thing and I'm darn sure they know more than I do on the matter so I probably am wrong on that one.
There are several pieces of DLC for example that while I could afford to pay for them, they're just not money well spent to me. I make financial decisions like this every day of my adult life, I don't feel compelled to whinge every time I come across something I would like but either I flat out cannot afford or don't deem good value.
I'm sure pretty much everyone will reach this point in their life but lets hurry it a long a little shall we, for the sake of internet boards all over the world ;)
What you're entitled to when you purchase software
Some people simple do not understand what they are paying for when they buy software so get angry when they don't get what they think they are entitled to.
You ARE entitled to:
- To play the game as indicated on the packaging
You are NOT entitled to:
- Features/content not part of the original game, be they on the disc or not, created after the release or even before. You do not 'own' all the code on the disc, merely a right to use it in it's described form.
- Play online multiplayer for game without the appropriate service. Just because the content for online play is on the disc, you have NOT paid for the right to use it.
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