This is just my 2 cents. I have skimmed this thread, and some of the postings seem very insightful, others are way off the mark. First off, you truly can't compare the online experiences of consoles. Why not? Well you can't really use live to play ps3 online, vice versa (works for all platforms). So if you want to play online with the 360, you have to pay to play. Nothing wrong with this, since they have been doing it since Live's inception, and continue to do so this gen. If there were to be a nationwide boycott, or more people refusing to pay, this would twist MS's arm, then they would change. However, this won't happen and they will continue to do so. MS is smart to charge, and why would they stop? PS3's online is decent, I am truly not an online gamer, so this is not something I truly desire. My younger bro is an avid online gamer, and the 360 is good for him. He gets his money's worth with his subscription, and I have noted that 360 seems to have a better following in terms of online community.
You still can't change how people feel about paying the fee, especially when other platforms offer online play for free. And in a way MS has been able to convince people to keep paying......only because gamers have no choice. Not like people can say well I won't use live, I'll use "insert any free online service mentioned here." They don't exist, so MS hasn't lured anyone away from free online mp. They simply haven't given you a choice, just as Sony or Nintendo haven't either (difference is they don't charge a fee). So I see nothing wrong with MS charging, since they are getting away with it, as evident with the size of their online community. People it's a business, here to make money. While they may care for the gaming community, the only real reason is because it feeds their bottom line. So they have to be in tune with the gamers in order to offer what they want, and in the end turn a profit. MS has mastered this well.
My gripe comes with DLC. Many have stated $60 is too much money for games. This is debatable. Games these days offer a lot for the price. Most offer single player mode, coop mode, and the obligatory online mp mode. Games are not truly considered complete if they don't offer a good online experience. I couldn't agree more. The technology and gaming industry has been moving in this direction for a while now. Why should it stop? Now back to DLC. I have no problems when the DLC content being offered is adding value to the game you already have. The new DLC content for GTA 4, the Lost and Damned, added so much value to the game. It's a complete new story mode. I have no problem paying for this. Nor when you can get new mp map packs or such things. I wish there were DLC content for Uncharted, since there really wasn't any online mp.
I do have issues when you have to pay to unlock items that already are included on the actual disc bought (I'm lookign at you RE, SF4, and some other games mentioned in this thread). The developers are nickel and diming players when they do this. It's similar to how airlines are nickel and diming passengers. In the past meals were included with your flight. Now you have to pay for that, as well as your checking a 2nd bag (something that was free before), all while you are paying more for airfare. This needs to stop. How can it stop, by people refusing to buy dlc content of this nature. Will it stop...I hope so, but prob not. Any ways that was my 5 cents?
PS. Love the shout out to Coleco Vision!! I was a Coleco Vision player...this system sucked me into gaming, and i have never looked back. I was never an Atari player...not bashing...anyways there are my 10 cents
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