Plus, having a huge backlog helps, because then you don't need games on day 1. I never buy games on day 1. One of my hobbies that I enjoy doing other than playing games is just looking for good deals on games. You'd be surprised at the deals out there if you took the time to look.
I got all these games in 2011, brand new and sealed for these prices:
Assassin's Creed Revelations (PS3 version which includes Assassin's Creed 1) - $19.99
Batman Arkham City - $19.99
Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary - $9.99
Battlefield 3 Limited Edition - $19.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - $29.99
Crysis 2 - $9.99
Dark Souls - $9.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution - $19.99
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten - $9.99
Dragon Age 2 - $4.99
ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection - $14.99
Killzone 3 - $9.99
L.A. Noire Complete Edition - $4.99
Madden 12 - $19.99
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - $19.99
NBA 2K12 - $24.99
Portal 2 - $19.99
RAGE - $9.99
Red Dead Redemption Game of the Year Edition - $9.99
Red Faction Armageddon - $4.99
Resistance 3 - $19.99
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition - $19.99
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - $19.99
Uncharted 3 - $29.99
Warhammer 40k Space Marine - $9.99
Forza 4 - $19.99
Gears of War 3 - $19.99
I know I'm forgetting some, but fact of the matter is, I was able to get every single game I wanted in 2011 for a fraction of the price, just by looking for deals. I got all those games brand new, factory sealed, physical copies. The only game I paid full price for in 2011 was Skyrim for $59.99 which is funny because Skyrim was one of my biggest disappointments in 2011. Steam does have pretty good deals, but I have even gotten better deals than Steam for physical copies of games, when Steam only offers digital copies. I don't like digital copies.
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