I like how everybody think that just because they have an HDTV everybody else in the world should have one.
The should continue to support SDTV, plain ans simple.
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I like how everybody think that just because they have an HDTV everybody else in the world should have one.
The should continue to support SDTV, plain ans simple.
yea they should , but most poeple i know have at least 1 hdtv and once u play a game in hd u wont wanna go back to sdcoltgames
So you do not play older games? Did you start gaming this generation? I do not get how you are claiming that once you go HDTV you will never want to go SDTV when older games were designed for CRTTVs.
yea they should , but most poeple i know have at least 1 hdtv and once u play a game in hd u wont wanna go back to sdcoltgames
Everyone you know =/= Rest of the World.
...and playing in SD is certainly not one of them. In shooters like Battlefireld, where you sometimes need to pay close attention to your surroundings to avoid walking into an ambush, playing in SD will only hamper your vision and lower your effectiveness in the game. I wouldn't want someone that can't tell the difference between a bush and and sniper right in front of him because he's playing on a crappy outdated TV in my team.
You're not only playing first person shooters on the wrong platform, but some (millions) do not get consoles to play online shooters. Which have always ben the realm of PCs.
You can get 20" HDTV tvs for under $200 now. People need to get with the timesCajunShooter
'HD' (which isn't even high definition these days) TVs have incredibly outdated resolutions. Those are most definitely not 'with the times'.
My monitor that can do 2500x1600, now that's real HD, and really up to date. Now if you want to be 'with the times', buy a PC. It's only 700$. If not, then your post is hypocritical. Consoles are outdated 6 year old pieces of hardware, which games are displayed on incredibly outdated resolutions.
Not that there is a problem with it, my SNES and my SDTV are great entertaintment.
...and playing in SD is certainly not one of them. In shooters like Battlefireld, where you sometimes need to pay close attention to your surroundings to avoid walking into an ambush, playing in SD will only hamper your vision and lower your effectiveness in the game. I wouldn't want someone that can't tell the difference between a bush and and sniper right in front of him because he's playing on a crappy outdated TV in my team.
You're not only playing first person shooters on the wrong platform, but some (millions) do not get consoles to play online shooters. Which have always ben the realm of PCs.
You can get 20" HDTV tvs for under $200 now. People need to get with the timesCajunShooter
'HD' (which isn't even high definition these days) TVs have incredibly outdated resolutions. Those are most definitely not 'with the times'.
My monitor that can do 2500x1600, now that's real HD, and really up to date. Now if you want to be 'with the times', buy a PC. It's only 700$. If not, then your post is hypocritical. Consoles are outdated 6 year old pieces of hardware, which games are displayed on incredibly outdated resolutions.
Not that there is a problem with it, my SNES and my SDTV are great entertaintment.
1080P is "up to date" in the sense that it's the highest BROADCAST STANDARD that televisions use in the United States (and in most other countries, save maybe Japan). Actually we aren't hardly even broadcasting anything in 1080P yet, most HD is still considered a "premium" service by cable operators and it's only 720P or 1080i. We aren't even taking advantage of 1080P televisions yet with gaming consoles or cable TV. Blu Ray films are basically the only thing that REALLY take advantage of a 1080P television (forget that 1080P internet streaming crap).
Given that gaming consoles are designed for the living room, and the highest standard for TELEVISIONS is 1080P, that's where the standards will be for probably the next decade.
Going higher than 1080P is not even new in the PC world anyway, my obsolete NEC computer monitor did much higher than 1080P and that was purchased over 10 years ago. But having that higher resolution does absolutely nothing for me for watching movies, broadcast television, or any other form of video. It would only be usefull for 2 things really, high res photo work, and computer games (being 4:3 killed it for games anyway). Actually in my search for a new LED/LCD monitor a few months ago it seems like 1080P is becoming the standard for PC monitors as well, even though higher resolutions have been around for YEARS it's hardly cacthing on in the mainstream due to lack of source material.
1080P is "up to date" in the sense that it's the highest BROADCAST STANDARD that televisions use in the United States (and in most other countries, save maybe Japan). Actually we aren't hardly even broadcasting anything in 1080P yet, most HD is still considered a "premium" service by cable operators and it's only 720P or 1080i. We aren't even taking advantage of 1080P televisions yet with gaming consoles or cable TV. Blu Ray films are basically the only thing that REALLY take advantage of a 1080P television (forget that 1080P internet streaming crap).
Given that gaming consoles are designed for the living room, and the highest standard for TELEVISIONS is 1080P, that's where the standards will be for probably the next decade.
Going higher than 1080P is not even new in the PC world anyway, my obsolete NEC computer monitor did much higher than 1080P and that was purchased over 10 years ago. But having that higher resolution does absolutely nothing for me for watching movies, broadcast television, or any other form of video. It would only be usefull for 2 things really, high res photo work, and computer games (being 4:3 killed it for games anyway). Actually in my search for a new LED/LCD monitor a few months ago it seems like 1080P is becoming the standard for PC monitors as well, even though higher resolutions have been around for YEARS it's hardly cacthing on in the mainstream due to lack of source material.
Yeah.. the thing is, i was not talking about TVs per se, and their capabilities to broadcast, but about gaming in general, if you can understand my point of view. Though it is considered standard for televisions and consoles, there is a form of gaming far more advanced and at much higher graphic quality which everyone knows about.
It was kind of ironic that console gamers had such hypocritical posts concerning SDTVs, a few posters actually judging people that have no problem gaming at those resolutions, wen considering what PC gaming represents. So i just gave them some food for thought, out of boredom.
I'm not gonna elaborate though, i can't argue with your post, it's a good post.
[QUOTE="coltgames"]yea they should , but most poeple i know have at least 1 hdtv and once u play a game in hd u wont wanna go back to sdBanjo_Kongfooie
So you do not play older games? Did you start gaming this generation? I do not get how you are claiming that once you go HDTV you will never want to go SDTV when older games were designed for CRTTVs.
No one is saying you shouldn't keep you SDTV and hook the old colecovision up to it for a quick game of The Dukes of Hazard or Chuck Norris Superkicks.... The question is should software developers be forced to develop for a 4:3 ratio or have thier text readable of an older tv.
I'm talking about the functionality the thing provides, not how it's built. There's nothing pointless about replacing something if it isn't up to current standards.Cherokee_Jack
Alot of TV content is still showing in SD, DVD'S vastly outnumber (in selection) Blurays and are much cheaper, and the wii is SD. Not to mention a good quality SD widescreen CRT will outperform a crappy $150 HDTV, in colour reproduction and such.
Also arguably dragon age should be exclusively 3D as that is the most up to date technology. People here would be going crazy if microsoft suddenly announced their games would only work on 3D TV's.
Whoah DA2 doesn't support SDTV players? That's pretty lame. I mean most of the games on consoles don't even run in a native hd resolution.millerlight89
Mass Effect 2 doesn't either. I got my HDTV about a week before picking of ME2 last year, so I didn't even know until like 5 months after it was released when I tried to game on my friends SDTV.
So yeah, I'm going to chalk this situation as a Bioware thing. Devs should continue to support SDTV because not doing so would be sill since SDTV owners are still a large percetage of the current market.
as for that why should they get rid of it? its not like if they get rid of it games will all of a sudden have these options in graphics, resolution, and gameplay they never had before...its a matter of supporting a resolution and making sure formating works with it.
Take Lost planet 1 it had crappy text support when it came to SDTVS...but it looked amazing in every other way. There is no real reason not to support sd resolutions or tvs.
definately. we are in a recession where 200 dollars can hurt a lot.
thats part of the reason why the wii is selling so well because nothing but a charger is actually needed to go with it.
i think that might be part of the reason why handhelds are so popular.
I just got HDTV last year, and the difference is not that big.The graphics look crisper, but why can't they support SDTV? The biggest problem I was with SDTV was the text - much of it was hard to read. But other than that, it's ok.Mr_Cumberdale
I think besides the obvious text issues is the 4:3 ratios of older sets... one can see the problem in reverse when older games are ported to the modern systems without being upgraded.
whats kills me the most is the extremely small, HD purpose lettering that i can't see on my TV because its a SDTV
Alot of TV content is still showing in SD, DVD'S vastly outnumber (in selection) Blurays and are much cheaper, and the wii is SD. Not to mention a good quality SD widescreen CRT will outperform a crappy $150 HDTV, in colour reproduction and such.APiranhaAteMyVaI don't see what that has to do with what I said. I'm talking about gaming, not DVDs.
Absolutely not. HDTVs have been around for quite a while and are very affordable now. Hell even 720p TV's are starting to thin out as 1080p becomes the standard and is replaced by the next resolution (probably 2K).
I think that SD should never not be supported. I mean you can already change the resolution on the 360 and PS3, its not like supporting 480p pushes a system to it's limits (like 1080p would) :roll:
Isn't this 2011? No remove SDTV support and give us some more slim menus. If SDTV users have a hard time reading it cry some more.
still more people "probably millions and millions IF NOT billions" who have SDTVs...Cant just expect everyone to jump on the ole HD wagon.
yea they should , but most poeple i know have at least 1 hdtv and once u play a game in hd u wont wanna go back to sdcoltgames
Isn't this 2011? No remove SDTV support and give us some more slim menus. If SDTV users have a hard time reading it cry some more.
Absolutely not. HDTVs have been around for quite a while and are very affordable now. Hell even 720p TV's are starting to thin out as 1080p becomes the standard and is replaced by the next resolution (probably 2K).
Well since you can changen the resolution, the menus usually change to fit the resolution.....Isn't this 2011? No remove SDTV support and give us some more slim menus. If SDTV users have a hard time reading it cry some more.
[QUOTE="APiranhaAteMyVa"]Alot of TV content is still showing in SD, DVD'S vastly outnumber (in selection) Blurays and are much cheaper, and the wii is SD. Not to mention a good quality SD widescreen CRT will outperform a crappy $150 HDTV, in colour reproduction and such.Cherokee_JackI don't see what that has to do with what I said. I'm talking about gaming, not DVDs. some don't have money or space for a TV just for gaming, I'm just saying if 90% of your content will be SD, then it would be a waste to upgrade as SD looks pretty awful on pretty much all HD sets (upscaled DVD's look OK). Of course in my case I went HD, because I have HD consoles, buy bluray and have a HD box satellite box.
But I thought console gaming was so simple and convenient?DragonfireXZ95
What in the world does that have to do with going HD or not??lol..AND yes consoles are 100x more convenient then a pc..So whats the point?
[QUOTE="coltgames"]yea they should , but most poeple i know have at least 1 hdtv and once u play a game in hd u wont wanna go back to sdjuliankennedy23
So you do not play older games? Did you start gaming this generation? I do not get how you are claiming that once you go HDTV you will never want to go SDTV when older games were designed for CRTTVs.
No one is saying you shouldn't keep you SDTV and hook the old colecovision up to it for a quick game of The Dukes of Hazard or Chuck Norris Superkicks.... The question is should software developers be forced to develop for a 4:3 ratio or have thier text readable of an older tv.
No the problem is that the consumer should not be required to "upgrade" to a partially inferior product to properly play a game.
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