With the Google phone and the new Google Chrome OS coming out it seems they are becoming much more than just a search engine these days. What about a Google console? I would probably buy one if the price is right.
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With the Google phone and the new Google Chrome OS coming out it seems they are becoming much more than just a search engine these days. What about a Google console? I would probably buy one if the price is right.
Maybe if they created a handheld of similar expense as the DS Lite and launched with about 50 games.
I say yes they should. I wouldn't buy their hardware but it would add more competition to the field.
Until they inevitably failed.I say yes they should. I wouldn't buy their hardware but it would add more competition to the field.
True, but niether did Sony, or MS when they first introduced their home consoles.No... they have no experience whatsoever in the field. I mean, at least Apple tried and failed.
[QUOTE="PublicNuisance"]Until they inevitably failed.I say yes they should. I wouldn't buy their hardware but it would add more competition to the field.
How does their failing directly hurt us ? Technically your saying that the companies in the video game field so far should all quit because they could fail.
[QUOTE="psn8214"]True, but niether did Sony, or MS when they first introduced their home consoles. Not quite.No... they have no experience whatsoever in the field. I mean, at least Apple tried and failed.
At least when Sony entered the business they had experience via the MSX and their short partnership with Nintendo. And Microsoft had their game studios long before the Xbox.savebattery
Until they inevitably failed.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="PublicNuisance"]
I say yes they should. I wouldn't buy their hardware but it would add more competition to the field.
How does their failing directly hurt us ? Technically your saying that the companies in the video game field so far should all quit because they could fail.
None of the big 3 are as likely to fail as Google would be.[QUOTE="psn8214"]True, but niether did Sony, or MS when they first introduced their home consoles. Sony had worked on the MSX and with Nintendo on the SNES CD add-on before splintering off and making the Playstation. Sony Computer Entertainment was founded in 1987, long before the release of the Playstation. And Microsoft Games Studios predates the Xbox by years.No... they have no experience whatsoever in the field. I mean, at least Apple tried and failed.
When I first glanced at the title, the idea seemed absolutely rediculous to me. Then, the next split second, I thought of how interesting it would be to see a brand new member of this war. Sure, the have no experience, but they would most likely have the resources to at least try.
One split second after that, some of my old skepticism returned. Many would probably be more amused to see Google's attempts than to actually use their products. It would most likely end badly.
Thanks but no thanks. I don't want the google privacy eater. Besides I think Barack is going to make google a puppet and he would dump the console because he doesn't like people who play video games and prefers people outside because they would be easier to organize.
Google made a good search engine *which has currently been surpassed by the others* other then that every software it releases pretty much sucks compared to whats available.
Why not? Everybody jump the gaming Bandwagoon!! Apple, Samsung, LG, IBM, Intel, heck why not Logitech? Or Gamespot? Man maybe a Walmart console would be awesome!
I think 3 companies are more than enough. More than 3 companies would be to much for the consumer.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]*which has currently been surpassed by the others* Cherokee_JackWhat others? bing works just as well, and even offers more information at times, yahoo still works just as well.
Why not? Everybody jump the gaming Bandwagoon!! Apple, Samsung, LG, IBM, Intel, heck why not Logitech? Or Gamespot? Man maybe a Walmart console would be awesome!
I think 3 companies are more than enough. More than 3 companies would be to much for the consumer.
Why stop there? News Corp, GE, GM, Target, InBev, and even the federal government can jump on the bandwagon. Just imagine if the FEDs got in the industry, two arcade machenes in the middle of town with a month long waiting list to play it and we pay for it if we use it or not. /sarcasm
No I don't want a generation with LOTS of consoles (looks at previous gens) 3 competing consoles is already enough besides if google was smart then they would stay out of console gaming, its expensive and risky.
while i think Google may do good stuff with online gaming i say no
Google should make a game using Google Earth, where you use real people as soldiers in an RTS and they have no control over their bodies and you start international wars with them
it will be called Google RTS: Now You know why we have Google Earth muahahahahha!
None of the big 3 are as likely to fail as Google would be.Cherokee_Jack
Why is that ? Google has a profitable business as it is so they could weather a financial storm if need be. They have an OS coming out at some point so they could use their own software on their console. They could easily drum up developer support with the right business model. Do you think some devs that are tired of Microsoft's and Sony's arrogance wouldn't like a possible change ? The way I see it Sony is already posting losses (first time in 50 years but a loss is a loss) so it isn't like everything is a rose garden for Sony and Microsoft. Google would take a hit at the start but once they got some customers on board it could be the start of soemthing. Like I said, I wouldn't buy it, I don't buy consoles any more, but I do welcome someone onto the playing field to shake things up.
[QUOTE="psn8214"]True, but niether did Sony, or MS when they first introduced their home consoles. i thought sony made some games on the snes...No... they have no experience whatsoever in the field. I mean, at least Apple tried and failed.
I don't understand why so many people see Google as a cool, peaceful company full of innovation while criticising Microsoft as an evil empire. As Google enters more and more markets, they will become more like Microsoft was. No thanks, I don't want Google in the console race. They have no idea or experience on how the console industry works, they have no relationship with third parties and no relationships with hardware manufacturers. A 3-way console race is already tight enough as it is, especially in these tough economic times.
Getting into gaming is a massive leap from having a phone and an entry level os.
Plus it takes quite a financial clout, it could ruin them, if they invest billions and it doesn't work out.
Remember MS literally had to force their why in using just about everything they knew and everything at their disposal and its only just started to work out for them half way through their second gen. MS had experience in PC gaming for a long time and still have lots of issues. MS are still struggling with Japan.
Its not a good idea.
It also takes a lot to get the consumer on side, most wrote off MS before they started, it will be the same with google. So they would start from scratch.
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