Look don't get PS3...it's exclusives are crappy. Don't be worried about RROD because the only reason you get it is because the console uses its full power and you use it like crazy..unlike PS3 which doesn't even turn on. But no don't even worry about RROD you are almost guaranteed to not have RROD for a year with these new xboxs...as soon as the hdmi was put on them those line of 360's were a lot better and now they've added so much stuff that RROD is really rare now. And you think people don't have problems on ps3? they put out updates that crash peoples systems, they also get a yellow light of death which a lot of people have had. BELIEVE ME GET 360, this comes from someone who bought a PS3 played MGS and sold back the PS3 a couple weeks later, it doesn't compare to 360 as a gaming system. The thing is you get a crappy internet browser and a bluray player. If you want a game console-360-bluray player-ps3. The exclusives for PS3 come out so far apart and have no variety in the games, all the PS3 exclusives coming out and that are out is shooters, aside from maybe uncharted n ratchet but those are old now. So many games coming out for 360 with variety, banjo, fable, gears to name a few,. and theres no game coming close to gears. And you get a far superior online experience PS3's is wack, everything about it, look at the 360 update they're coming with this fall too...you get your friends list and everything can listen to music on your xbox while in a game send chats send messages. PS3 is really weak and it's for people who don't really play games. 360 is for gamers....believe me....
i had a friend of mine who would always defend ps3 to me even though he never played his and he's like nah i'm just waiting for final fantasy or waiting for this game. Well all you do is wait for a game that isn't even as good as what 360 has as soon as they announce ff13 on 360 he was pissed because thats all the ps3 was gonna be good for to him so he sold it, ha i told him final fantasy woulf be on 360. And believe me free online on PS3 doesn't mean anything..the 50 a year is far more worth it for what you get on 360 online...trust me i've had both and i know.
All ps3 exclusives are shooters pretty much...the online isnt as good and the controller on 360 is a lot better, especially for shooters, so who would rather play some crappy resistance or killzone online on ps3 over playing call of duty or gears on 360? ESPECIALLY since people on ps3 will be probably playing COD over killzone and resistance anyway.
Think of how the 360 controller is better and how the sticks are lined up better on different planes. GET 360 PS3 is junk.
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