KZ2, no questionPanther501wheres the missing 6% go? from your sig i mean...
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Just get both, it doesn't matter which order. While, I don't have a PS3 yet and haven't played KZ2, KZ2 is probably better, so get that last, save it for 2nd :).
Actually no, get Crysis, it's better ;)
Get both! If you can't get both at the moment, why not get the game you enjoyed more and which story you want to finish first.
Both are great games but it depends on which genre you like more, FPS or ThirdPS. I may also say that KZ2's online is better than Gears2, graphically speaking both are top notch, but some will say that KZ2 has a slight edge of Gears2 but it doesn't really affect the gameplay at all so here's your answer: "Play Both" :)
I'll be a fanboy and say that I prefer KZ2 over both Gears1&2 but I wanted to be a little fair :P
Killzone 2 & Gears 2 are both amazing games with incredible multiplayer ...cough cough better than Crysis :)
Personally, I have put far more time into gears 2. Both are great games, although I still prefer the online for Halo 3 and Gears 2 over Killzone 2.
Personally, I have put far more time into gears 2. Both are great games, although I still prefer the online for Halo 3 and Gears 2 over Killzone 2.
Good question get both man.
I have only really played Gears 2 and man it really is fantastic one of the nest games of this gen i would say, sadly thp the game suffered a disc read error on my freinds console no matter what edition of the game we got it would stop working after 30 Mins or so and story mode hardly worked at all. You can read up on this in the offcial forums if you have a new 360 thats not the PILE OF (*^(^ that the Arcade edition is you should be ok.
As for Kill Zone 2 i do not know i have only played a small part of it and the demo but it was excellent none the less and the multiplayer should be less laggy than Gears 2 which is reported and widely considered to have a laggy online mode.
Gears 2 has a more involving single player (although the story sucks... but what action FPS doesn't?)... I'd get Gears 2 if you want a good single-player experience and KZ2 if you want a strong multiplayer experience. Gears 2 was a great game... but it's been collecting dust now that I'm done with it. The multi just isn't that good with Gears 2.
what this says!
You mean like your bias for Xbox? I have them both but KZ2 gets my time hands down. I love the Gears series though but KZ2 online is just too much fun.gears.
...and do yourself a favor, check to see what the people supporting killzone 2 have posted in other blogs. there is a system bias.
I'd say KZ2, Gears is a great game but the story to me was to melodramatic, i would have rather had the story focus on pheonix or more on the origins of the locusts rather than a search and rescue theme with whats his name. and if your an achievment whore like me getting the highest difficulty achievement is a chore especially with some glitches that happens far to often, at least to me anyway,during one of the boss fights on the water i must have glitched through a box and get stuck like three times before i finally took it down. Combat and the visuals are awesome with the vehicle portions a real highlight, the multiplayer didnt last long for me, only high point of the multiplayer was horde mode and that got old with me and my friends after a month. KZ2 single player is great, multiplayer to me is more satisfying with the ranking system and different classes and stuff. Single player was 10-12 hrs for me, roughly the same as gears, but i was looking for everything in both games so if you blow through both it could be shorther, KZ2 visuals are awesome, and the death animations are great, so satisfying killing people and getting a different result depending on where you shoot and with what weapon. If you cant get both i'd say KZ2, if you can get both get both and the first Gears so you are caught up with the story.
I see that everyone who has both consoles and both games still say Gears Of War 2 is the better game.
yeah, i have both and i go with gears. killzone is polished and smooth but it never pulls me into the story and makes me wonder what next. it's more about how much faster can i get through this, and can i beat my time next go through. i also never look at the characters around me and care if they die or not. gears is a rougher game but it's made by unreal and some of that roughness can be argued as a part of it's character. the game, in general, has an incredible amount of character. if coltrane died... think how much of a waste to future games that would be.
[QUOTE="fadersdream"] You mean like your bias for Xbox? I have them both but KZ2 gets my time hands down. I love the Gears series though but KZ2 online is just too much fun.jhuff1
[QUOTE="fadersdream"]You mean like your bias for Xbox? I have them both but KZ2 gets my time hands down. I love the Gears series though but KZ2 online is just too much fun.gears.
...and do yourself a favor, check to see what the people supporting killzone 2 have posted in other blogs. there is a system bias.
yes. that is exactly what i mean. i am biased towards xbox lately, and many are biased towards the ps3. if your going to spend $70 make sure you check the information given to you. we're all just spouting opinions here.
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