I guess I started coming to the conclusion that I should sell my PS3 yesterday, when MGS4 came out. I realized that all that hoopla was over a game I never wanted to play. At that point a friend of mine asked me a very good question: if I wasn't even going to get MGS4 what was I doing with a PS3 in the first place?
And that brought up an excellent point. What WASI doing with a PS3? I don't like the system, I don't like the games on the system, I don't use Blu-Ray, so why do I own the thing? I thought back to when I first bought it and I realize I got it because I originally wanted a 360 but was scared off by RROD. So at the time I thought I was getting a RROD-less 360, but as it turned out I later bought a 360 anyway and it hasn't failed on me yet, 6 months later.
Right now the only thing keeping me from selling my PS3 is the fact that I would never recover the full $500 I spent on it, so in some sense, why should I bother? It's not like it's hurting me any, sitting there, I would only sell it because I don't need it. Also, it's the 60GB version, and I still like to play some of my PS2 games on it, so it still has some marginal value left. It's just that selling the system feels like cutting off my nose to spite my face; I've already sunk the $500, what's the point of selling it now? I realize I should've returned it when I had the chance, but it's too late now.
So what do you guys think? Sell it for far less then what I paid to get it but at least recoup some of my investment, or hang onto it in the hopes that someday the PS3 might actually have some good games (and risk the unit depreciating even more)?
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