@AmazonTreeBoa said:
Kinect is the single biggest reason I will not own an X1. I won't even allow a friend to bring over his X1 to hook up in my house because of Kinect. So yes, I would be a lot more open to buying an X1 if they released a Kinectless model for $100-$150 less than it's current asking price.
See, I feel the exact opposite way. I honestly, after using Kinect since launch day would never not use it to navigate the system, features, games, ect. It is absolutely for me one of the difference makers why I have so little interest in the PS4. The biggest being I feel the gaming line-up is so much better on the One, but that's not the topic of this thread.
When I show friends how the One works they are all damn impressed with the voice controls/navigation and Xbox Fitness alone sells me on the camera as its very well done how you can monitor your movements to see if you are doing the motions correctly. IMHO MS should drop the price of the One, but include it still and never sell it minus Kinect. Let people who don't want to use it simply set it aside, but the experience is very good as far as I am concerned. Its not perfect, has flaws, and will be constantly updated as the gen goes on but once the One becomes a dev box that great Kinect experience will likely come from a ambitious, creative indie dev. MS will still make the dance and kids games, but for me as a core gamer I don't have interest in motion controls outside of the navigation of the OS, Xbox Fitness, Skype. and Upload Studio, which I think is amazing and will only get better.
So we agree the price needs to drop. But I don't want to see Kinect drop. I see a great deal of potential with it, but not in a core game. At least not yet.
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