wow it doesnt seem fair to judge a game without finishing it..
thats like talking to a person for 15 minutes and completely judging the way they conduct themselves
at the very least they could say in which reviews they finished the game or have not..
A lot of the time the reviewers also have to do other things besides actually write the game, they play more than one game at a time after all. The have previews and events to go to and stories to cover etc. Also, can we stop with the shallow comparisions, you can't judge a person in 15 minutes obviously but the generalquality of many games is pretty damn consistent.
but not all games are consistant...
for example ff13, uncharted 1&2 thers lots of changes mid game
its not really fair to review a game without finishing it, fine hows this for a comparison
wathcing the majority of a movie but missing out on the last half hour
the end really matters to the purchaser, the people the reviewers are writing for in the first place
imagine spending ur hard earned cash on a game that was strong till the last portion and then promptly sucked hard... which could have been avoided if the reviewer spent just a little more time on it
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