PS2 is far from being "dead". It's probably going to live for at least two more years and folks that own one and still haven't moved to "next gen" shouldn't be too sad about that. Let the prices drop and in meantime play this on you PS2.
12 reasons§ionId=1003&releaseId=20060331143728168090
1.God Of War 2
2.Persona 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (can't waith)
3.Chu-lip            (what ever that is)
4.Lumines Plus
5.Shining Force EXA
6.The Red Star
7.Yakuza 2
8.Odin Sphere
9.Dawn of Mana
10.Tomb Rider:Anniversary
11.Burnout: Dominator
12.Wild Arms 5
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