[QUOTE="Japanese_Monk"]man [QUOTE="MikeE21286"][QUOTE="goblaa"][QUOTE="MikeE21286"]OK...........
So you're saying it's preference and not price...
Well riddle me this.......
IF the PS3, 360, and Wii cost $250 each.....What would they buy then
And what would be the chances of the PS3 or 360 being $250 and having no hardware changes? 0%.
At $250, the PS3 and 360 lose a lot of what makes them appealing.
That's not the argument TC is posing though. He says its all about preference and not price....therefore meaning people would prefer Wii over PS3/360 (based on current sales). Well this is not entirely true. If you set the prices equal you would see that ps3/360 would sell more. So to say price is not invovled is wrong. To do this comparsion you wouldn't be changing anything but price.
Im not completely sure thats true. After all I dont think you'd be seeing the ps3/xbox360 on Conan Obrien, The colbert report, ellen, and many many other talk shows. Somehting about the Wii stroke a cord. I mean the DS was almost the same yet psp was much closer in costs...
And to the unknowing consumer a core is only 50 dollars more. cmon. Don't donwplay the Wiis success by saying ps3 and 360 would sell the same b/c 360 almost is and its not. Its not as popular as the Wii either.
Price really has little to do with it in this situation. look at how popular the Ipod is and its tons more expensive than all the other portable music players out there. If the product delivers something new and refreshing or simply something that hasnt been done before than it will sell no matter the price.
Expensive Ipod=Cheap Wii
No matter the costs its about the product 9 times out of 10.
The Ipod doesn't really offer anything new and refreshing. Infact it's usually behind the rest of the MP3 players on the market. It simply is a fashion trend that took hold, had false demand that was well played, and took so much of the market that it gained an invaluable amount of accessories for it. Where is it's real advantage lies now.
Are you saying the Wii is a fashion trend? It's cool to have and say, "Hey, wanna play with my wii?"
Cost matters plenty, there are other factors as well. Most people don't get what they truly want or need, because it's too expensive.
errmmm....you didnt read everything did you? The Ipod Simply hasnt been done before. THat is a fact. Thats what i said. Its a simple yet intuitive product and thats why it sells. Not because the hip commercials
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