The X1 is going to be like the PS3 from last gen, slow start but around middle of it's life-span it will start to pick up in countries like Japan and Europe! :cool:
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100% agree with this. If they didnt do the 180s i would be a 100% cow to the bone. Sony saves the day once more...[QUOTE="Trinitarian"][QUOTE="rjdofu"]After the 180 degree change in policies, they're gonna be fine. I only say no to those crazy ass policies that they were trying to shove up my ass, as a customer.AzatiS
Because Sony which is in a multibillion loss the last 5 years could had easily follow those ridiculous policies as well to make as much as possible back ( $$ wise ) but they didnt. They had clear vision what they want to do despite their tremendous losses. I respect Sony for that.
They always value their customers unlike Nintendo/M$. I mean look at PS3 exclusives even when company was near death. Full support to a system that took a big role to this loss They had 1 million more reasons to accept those ridiculous X1 policies and play along in order to get to the profit side asap. They didnt! That proves once again that Sony really value its customers. And since they didnt , they made M$ to change theirs.
Whoever thinks M$ changed their policies in less than few months just because they "listened" and not because of Sony ... The only route Sony followed was the pay to play online one. Which i was against but oh well , i can understand why though. Sony saved your console lemmings and not your "voices".
I suggest you should stop thinking Sony as some kinds of god or savior or some stupid shit like that, ('cus they're definitely not), so you don't have to cry when they fvck you over later. Sony only play their cards at the right time, when all the shit that they were saying about allowing used game, offline, etc, should be there from the start. If MS didn't received much negativity after their disastrous conference, you bet your ass that Sony would not come off as gracious as they did on E3. Also, it's not entirely because of Sony, it's because of the damn market. MS listen to the voice of money, and money only, Sony or customer voices don't mean shit. THe same goes with any companies out there, stop sleeping in your little bubble that Sony is the loving father of should ditch xbox and consentrate to fix windows phone because that the money await in the future ,pc and console is so 10 years ago and will slowly dying ,look how well apple and google because of their iphone and android
let the gaming future laid to sony and nintendo shoulder because that they good at
The X1 is going to be like the PS3 from last gen, slow start but around middle of it's life-span it will start to pick up in countries likeJapan and Europe! :cool:
I'm sure there's plenty of Sony fanboys that would like it to flop but I don't think very many of them truly believe it'll do as poorly as Wii U.
X-bone cant flop more because it will recieve all those games that wiiU will miss out due to weak harware and typical nintendo 3rd party approach , pretty much like the last gen
Cows hope it fails, but it will be fine. Cows (and analysts) said the same about 360......and Wiinavyguy21Analysts said that 360 and Wii will do very fine, and they did. They never said it will fail.
Now everyone, analysts says that Wii U will do horrible, and here are results, it is doing horrible.
Xbox One wont flop, but it will sell less than Xbox 360, but more than Wii U.
Sony takes 50% market, Micrososft 30%, Nintendo 20%
Microsoft do only good in USA, not good in Europe, and FULLY DEAD IN JAPAN.The X1 is going to be like the PS3 from last gen, slow start but around middle of it's life-span it will start to pick up in countries like Japan and Europe! :cool:
Analysts said that 360 and Wii will do very fine, and they did. They never said it will fail.[QUOTE="navyguy21"]Cows hope it fails, but it will be fine. Cows (and analysts) said the same about 360......and WiiFreedomFreeLife
Now everyone, analysts says that Wii U will do horrible, and here are results, it is doing horrible.
Xbox One wont flop, but it will sell less than Xbox 360, but more than Wii U.
Sony takes 50% market, Micrososft 30%, Nintendo 20%
Considering that Wii U is doing this horribly against X360 and PS3 I don't think it will end up with even 20% of the next-gen market. More like 10%-15%.
Not in this lifetime, Nintendo is stuck a gen behind. The Wii U, such a gimmick. Truth hurts; X1 will be #2, behind the PS4Every thread on SW is infested with wishful termites dressed up as cows, trying to eat away at the reality the X1 will be a hit. I've seen this last gen, the gen before that when it came to M$. I'd only wish i made a thread like this then, so i could rehash it and do some pest control. X1 will not flop, it will be going head to head with PS4 with in the first 3~6 months, if not sooner. 300K vs 15K servers will smash PSN social gaming in every way. Plus, how they use and develop the AI by using the cloud is unparalleled, as well as their plans for persistent worlds. The gameplay for X1 every way will be light years ahead of PS4.Â
And if the speculation is true, and there is a little more power in the PS4, its not going to matter. Comparing the power of these two consoles is like comparing which of the two basic households ants is bigger and better, both are mere bugs that get squashed when compared to the power of the PC. So, go on, tell me your predictions on how bad X1 is going to fail. Worse than dreamcast, worse that Wii U latest sales of 160k consoles sold in three months? Come on lets here it. And everyone of you that make such ridiculous predictions will forever be immortalized in my sig as the Cows with the most wishful thinking hateful jargon System Wars has ever seen.Â
100% agree with this. If they didnt do the 180s i would be a 100% cow to the bone. Sony saves the day once more...[QUOTE="Trinitarian"][QUOTE="rjdofu"]After the 180 degree change in policies, they're gonna be fine. I only say no to those crazy ass policies that they were trying to shove up my ass, as a customer.AzatiS
Because Sony which is in a multibillion loss the last 5 years could had easily follow those ridiculous policies as well to make as much as possible back ( $$ wise ) but they didnt. They had clear vision what they want to do despite their tremendous losses. I respect Sony for that.
They always value their customers unlike Nintendo/M$. I mean look at PS3 exclusives even when company was near death. Full support to a system that took a big role to this loss They had 1 million more reasons to accept those ridiculous X1 policies and play along in order to get to the profit side asap. They didnt! That proves once again that Sony really value its customers. And since they didnt , they made M$ to change theirs.
Whoever thinks M$ changed their policies in less than few months just because they "listened" and not because of Sony ... The only route Sony followed was the pay to play online one. Which i was against but oh well , i can understand why though. Sony saved your console lemmings and not your "voices".
*laughs* yes Sony, they took the *laughs harder*It'll definitely sell better than Wii U. In the end, I don't think Wii U will even sell better than Dreamcast. Forget the Sega Saturn comparisons, we are looking at Sega CD/32x/Virtual Boy numbers. I am surprised it is failing this bad. It's comparable to the PS Vita.
Xbox One will also fail to reach the numbers that Xbox 360 did. I think the PS4 will outsell it by about 1.7:1
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