It is quite simple math.. If the PS3 does not sell well this year.. Next year more games will head to the 360 where the install base is LARGE.. Developers are in this to make money.. Make no mistake about that one.. SALES COUNT..
If I make a game that costs me 1 million to make I better make twice that in profit.. If the install base is not large enough to recover the costs of making it.... Guess what? I will be developing games on the system that does have the install base and the 360 has it right now.
If I am a gamer and I can play all the MS exclusives plus all the Sony used to be exclusives but are either Multiplatform or now MS exclusive.. Guess which system I am buying..
It is all simple math dude...Sony is hurting and it has no AAA games to help it sell consoles and get out of the hole.. Not haveing a AAA game this Xmas is probably the last nail in the coffin. It will be a mediocre system with the big games that end up on the 360.. GTA4 and DMC4 are just the start .. More and more are going to the 360!!:D
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