ps3ers are fighting a losing battle. what will you say when sales cave in, and all the games have gone to the 360? nothing then, but right now you have every right to call me and the 360 a noob while the ps3 is still on two feet right? wrong.
you might want to engrave this into your memory:
game developers create their games because they want them to sell. and overall, making your game for a console that more ppl own gives you a better sell rate than if it was released on a console with fewer sales.
if you ps3 fanboys dont already feel totally pwned please allow me to list all anticipated exclusives for each console
ratchet & clank
heavenly sword
gran turismo 5
resistance: fall of man
Halo 3
Gears of War
Ninja Gaiden 2
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Saints Row
Forza Motorsport 2
Fable 2
need i say more? 360 definitely has more notable exclusives than the ps3. now for the knockout punch.
120gb 360 = $350
60gb ps3 = $400
total pwnage in 2 lines. how can you even compare something that has twice as much memory and costs $50 less than its competition???
heres a basic sum up of what happened to the playstation franchise: ken kutaragi walked playstation into a hole, but climbed out, and took the ladder with him.
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