please heretrix you never answered my question so please stop taking up valuble space by continuing to post that you have. I read your posts and in the end all you did was creticize me when I thanked the first person to actually gave a logical valid answer to my question.
I gave adaquate information to back up the view point of xbox fans were going onat that time and now it is diffrent. I simply asked why the change. I didn't ask for any excuses or justification...simple explanation.
if it's fair to say that you don't have anything else to add to this topic then by all means...please don't.
Stop playing the victimised thread creator please. here's your answer again in detail...When the 360 first came out Sony fanboys mercilessly bashed it as a failure saying that when the PS3 launch it would demolish it. Following me here? Ok.
At a 500 dollar entry point, the titles available for the PS3 were not worth the cost of admission hence "no games" but of course, butthurt fanboys took this literally. AA games have always mattered, it's just that with all of the ridiculous boasting prior to the PS3 launch and their failure to produce (AT THAT TIME) almost no titles worthy of such a price point, It made AA games meaningless on the system because of what the system was supposed to be. Fortunately, this isn't an issue anymore.
That makes absolutly 0 sense!!!
Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an explanation? Just stop.
The only reason for the creation of those terms "no games/just wait etc" was because PS3 didn't have any games rated AAAE here on this site in particualr. Dont try to change the facts of what the situatoin were back then because I know what it was. And now you are trying to change the entire argument to the price of the console. what dose that have to do with the quality of thegames on the system..wow just wow. That's not my question and you fail on that point as well if that's what you are trying to say because PS3 OUTSOLD XBOX 360 IN 07 :o.
My argument was about the library and why xbox360 fans said PS3's library was garbage becaue it didn't have any AAAE on the system.Your "explanation" is double fail.
nice try, no beans...just move along.
So what you are trying to tell me is that dropping 500 bucks minimum on a system with a terrible library makes more sense?
Hmm.....uh ok. Also I just love how you changed this thread which was supposed to be a "simple" info gathering thread into a full on fanboy bash up"Just curious because I'm a research guy and look at alot places to gather information on stuff"
Lol. You became completely transparent from your first response. Stealth troll am confirmed. Nice try though.
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