Since when did AAE and AE games become a relevant argument for better library...

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#51 WasntAvailable
Member since 2008 • 5605 Posts


You see, that's just it, xbox fans said they WEREN'T good!!!

So that's why I'm askin why the change in thinking.Because so far noone has answered my question, only tried to rationalize the situation.


Its system wars, fanboys become hypocrites. For instance those cows that were all about the "gamespot reviews are fail, they are teh BIAS" are now more than happy going by the gamespot review only rule with all the positive reviews Gamespot has given for PS3 exclusives. Hypocrites are part of the System Wars game, that's just how it is.

My converstion with you is over!

you seem to have become angry and are posting material that is off topic. I'm not here to get into a fanboy argument with you if you can't answer the question logically and respectfully then just leave this thread. I don't care about the hundred million other topics you are trying to bring into this, I'm talkng about 1 subject and you can't seem to follow.

If this is how you respond to people who explain things correctly then you should not be making topics. You don't even seem to understand your own argument.

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#52 emorainbo
Member since 2008 • 3067 Posts


Why wouldn't you put AAE or AE? They are still considered really good games. I have played AA games that are better than the AAA rated ones. Mass Effect was one. Anyone who only plays AAA games is missing alot of quality titles.


Shoot, I've even played B games that I enjoyed more than a lot of AAA games (I'm looking at you, Mario Kart 64).

Anyway, after reading this thread I'm inclined to do the following:

Beat Head Against Wall

Fun games are overrated. Its only fun playing games that sell alot and are AAA.

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#53 InfiniteBlak
Member since 2009 • 794 Posts
last time i checked those scores were pretty good.
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#55 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts

On System wars?

Just curious because I'm a research guy and look at alot places to gather information on stuff I'm interested in and since I'm a gamer I've been lead to SW many a time for just such information.

When all current gen consoles launched I came here from time to time to get info on how the systems were shaping up (before I had one) and 360 was unanimously considered the best console because of it's exclusive library of AAA titles.

When ever a PS3 owner would try to enter a plea that PS3's library was better using the exclusive AAE and AEtitles it had, they were greeted with the following comments:

"All those games are terrible",

"those game are trash compaired to 360's AAAE titles",

"Only good games count",

"PS3 has no games",

"just wait (referring to AAAE),

" A bunch of AAE and AEtitles don't don't stand up the the AAAE titles the 360 has"

ect...And it was agreed that only AAAE'scount for putting one systems library over another in terms of quality here on SW.

But now I see xbox fans putting AAAE+AAE+AE in arguments to say it's library is better. So I'm asking, why the change to thinkg? I also see them saying x number of AAE+AE titles = better than 1 AAAE title. If that's the case can't we also asume that x number of B,C,D and F quality titles = better than 1 AAAE title? And if that's the case why was PS3's library considered garbage back in 07?

The switch up is very confusing, I just want fans to explain this reasoning to me.

because all fanboys will spin numbers to suit their arguments. personally, i think AA and A games very much count. Shadow of the Colossus was AA, and its one of my favorite games of all time. same with RE5 and Mass Effect.
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#56 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts
nice try, no beans...just move along.playharderfool
What he said is true. It was a common argument that for the high price the PS3 didn't have much to offer.
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#57 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts

please heretrix you never answered my question so please stop taking up valuble space by continuing to post that you have. I read your posts and in the end all you did was criticize me when I thanked the first personwho actually gave a logical valid answer to my question.

I gave adaquate information to back up the view point of xbox fans were saying at thetime (all based around AAAE titles)and now it is diffrent. I simply asked why the change. I didn't ask for any excuses or justification...simple explanation.

if it's fair to say that you don't have anything else to add to this topic then by all means...please don't.

Heretix has every right to post here.
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#58 Next-Gen-Tec
Member since 2009 • 4623 Posts



please heretrix you never answered my question so please stop taking up valuble space by continuing to post that you have. I read your posts and in the end all you did was creticize me when I thanked the first person to actually gave a logical valid answer to my question.

I gave adaquate information to back up the view point of xbox fans were going onat that time and now it is diffrent. I simply asked why the change. I didn't ask for any excuses or justification...simple explanation.

if it's fair to say that you don't have anything else to add to this topic then by all means...please don't.


Stop playing the victimised thread creator please. here's your answer again in detail...

When the 360 first came out Sony fanboys mercilessly bashed it as a failure saying that when the PS3 launch it would demolish it. Following me here? Ok.

At a 500 dollar entry point, the titles available for the PS3 were not worth the cost of admission hence "no games" but of course, butthurt fanboys took this literally. AA games have always mattered, it's just that with all of the ridiculous boasting prior to the PS3 launch and their failure to produce (AT THAT TIME) almost no titles worthy of such a price point, It made AA games meaningless on the system because of what the system was supposed to be. Fortunately, this isn't an issue anymore.

That makes absolutly 0 sense!!!

Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an explanation? Just stop.

That is the reason though. $500/$600 price for the choice of games it had was not very good.

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#59 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts

is it just me, or is this a very thinly veiled pro-PS3/anti-360 thread?

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#61 Riverwolf007
Member since 2005 • 26023 Posts

On System wars?

Just curious because I'm a research guy and look at alot places to gather information on stuff I'm interested in and since I'm a gamer I've been lead to SW many a time for just such information.

When all current gen consoles launched I came here from time to time to get info on how the systems were shaping up (before I had one) and 360 was unanimously considered the best console because of it's exclusive library of AAA titles.

When ever a PS3 owner would try to enter a plea that PS3's library was better using the exclusive AAE and AEtitles it had, they were greeted with the following comments:

"All those games are terrible",

"those game are trash compaired to 360's AAAE titles",

"Only good games count",

"PS3 has no games",

"just wait (referring to AAAE),

" A bunch of AAE and AEtitles don't don't stand up the the AAAE titles the 360 has"

ect...And it was agreed that only AAAE'scount for putting one systems library over another in terms of quality here on SW.

But now I see xbox fans putting AAAE+AAE+AE in arguments to say it's library is better. So I'm asking, why the change to thinkg? I also see them saying x number of AAE+AE titles = better than 1 AAAE title. If that's the case can't we also asume that x number of B,C,D and F quality titles = better than 1 AAAE title? And if that's the case why was PS3's library considered garbage back in 07?

The switch up is very confusing, I just want fans to explain this reasoning to me.


here is what this sounds like to me....things are this way BECAUSE I SAY SO!!!!

lol, what sw have you been visiting because what you are saying is the complete opposite of what goes on here

kinda sad that two years of eating crow have made the ps3 crowd so bitter

the system is no longer a joke but that's not good enough is it?

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#62 WasntAvailable
Member since 2008 • 5605 Posts


is it just me, or is this a very thinly veiled pro-PS3/anti-360 thread?


Maybe. I find funny how a level 4 has been acting like he knows more than a level 45 about what happened in SW 3 years ago.

Who then goes on to tell people that they are not answering the question when they tell him what he dosn't want to hear, even though it's correct. That's a sure sign of something alright. No one lasts long when they behave like that, my guess is this guy is on his second life atleast.

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#63 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts



please heretrix you never answered my question so please stop taking up valuble space by continuing to post that you have. I read your posts and in the end all you did was creticize me when I thanked the first person to actually gave a logical valid answer to my question.

I gave adaquate information to back up the view point of xbox fans were going onat that time and now it is diffrent. I simply asked why the change. I didn't ask for any excuses or justification...simple explanation.

if it's fair to say that you don't have anything else to add to this topic then by all means...please don't.


Stop playing the victimised thread creator please. here's your answer again in detail...

When the 360 first came out Sony fanboys mercilessly bashed it as a failure saying that when the PS3 launch it would demolish it. Following me here? Ok.

At a 500 dollar entry point, the titles available for the PS3 were not worth the cost of admission hence "no games" but of course, butthurt fanboys took this literally. AA games have always mattered, it's just that with all of the ridiculous boasting prior to the PS3 launch and their failure to produce (AT THAT TIME) almost no titles worthy of such a price point, It made AA games meaningless on the system because of what the system was supposed to be. Fortunately, this isn't an issue anymore.

That makes absolutly 0 sense!!!

Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an explanation? Just stop.

The only reason for the creation of those terms "no games/just wait etc" was because PS3 didn't have any games rated AAAE here on this site in particualr. Dont try to change the facts of what the situatoin were back then because I know what it was. And now you are trying to change the entire argument to the price of the console. what dose that have to do with the quality of thegames on the just wow. That's not my question and you fail on that point as well if that's what you are trying to say because PS3 OUTSOLD XBOX 360 IN 07 :o.

My argument was about the library and why xbox360 fans said PS3's library was garbage becaue it didn't have any AAAE on the system.Your "explanation" is double fail.

nice try, no beans...just move along.

So what you are trying to tell me is that dropping 500 bucks minimum on a system with a terrible library makes more sense?

Hmm.....uh ok. Also I just love how you changed this thread which was supposed to be a "simple" info gathering thread into a full on fanboy bash up

"Just curious because I'm a research guy and look at alot places to gather information on stuff"

Lol. You became completely transparent from your first response. Stealth troll am confirmed. Nice try though.

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#65 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts


is it just me, or is this a very thinly veiled pro-PS3/anti-360 thread?


Maybe. I find funny how a level 4 has been acting like he knows more than a level 45 about what happened in SW 3 years ago.

most SW users I encounter are ignorant and have no idea of what they are talking about. I have been a gamer since atari and I alwasys research things about consoles and games...I don't ever remember needing a SW level to do research.

If most system wars users are ignorant then why in the hell would you do research here? Surely there are better places to get your "data" from.

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#66 wiifreak93
Member since 2006 • 383 Posts

Well your a pretty dedicated cow, so no answer will persuade you. Let me try to explain. When Ps3 first came out, it had no AAAE games. I think we can agree on that. So they said that they had enough AAEs and AEs to hold them off, lems said it didn't matter because they had no AAAEs. But now, since it is basically tied, they start to come into play a little more then before. Although they did always matter (AA games are still great) now they are more of a big deal.

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#67 playharderfool
Member since 2009 • 2085 Posts


[QUOTE="heretrix"]Stop playing the victimised thread creator please. here's your answer again in detail...

When the 360 first came out Sony fanboys mercilessly bashed it as a failure saying that when the PS3 launch it would demolish it. Following me here? Ok.

At a 500 dollar entry point, the titles available for the PS3 were not worth the cost of admission hence "no games" but of course, butthurt fanboys took this literally. AA games have always mattered, it's just that with all of the ridiculous boasting prior to the PS3 launch and their failure to produce (AT THAT TIME) almost no titles worthy of such a price point, It made AA games meaningless on the system because of what the system was supposed to be. Fortunately, this isn't an issue anymore.


That makes absolutly 0 sense!!!

Are you seriously trying to pass that off as an explanation? Just stop.

The only reason for the creation of those terms "no games/just wait etc" was because PS3 didn't have any games rated AAAE here on this site in particualr. Dont try to change the facts of what the situatoin were back then because I know what it was. And now you are trying to change the entire argument to the price of the console. what dose that have to do with the quality of thegames on the just wow. That's not my question and you fail on that point as well if that's what you are trying to say because PS3 OUTSOLD XBOX 360 IN 07 :o.

My argument was about the libraryand why xbox360 fans said PS3's library was garbage becaue it didn't have any AAAE on the system.Your "explanation" is double fail.

nice try, no beans...just move along.

So what you are trying to tell me is that dropping 500 bucks minimum on a system with a terrible library makes more sense?

Hmm.....uh ok. Also I just love how you changed this thread which was supposed to be a "simple" info gathering thread into a full on fanboy bash up

"Just curious because I'm a research guy and look at alot places to gather information on stuff"

Lol. You became completely transparent from your first response. Stealth troll am confirmed. Nice try though.


you are off topic and are still talking about the price of the PS3 when it has NOTHING to do with this topic. And now I see you are saying PS3 had a terrible library even when it had AAE and AE games, so now we are back to square 1.

Explain why PS3's library was terrible then? and dose that same logic apply now it in diffrent?

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#68 johnnyblazed88
Member since 2008 • 4240 Posts

when theres only 5 AAAE of course you gotta look at AAE

and really who doesnt like 8/10 games?

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#69 playharderfool
Member since 2009 • 2085 Posts

If most system wars users are ignorant then why in the hell would you do research here? Surely there are better places to get your "data" from.


because people are always looking for something to bash or praise, with those tendencies people are always looking for information, good or bad the information is what is useful...the personal views of the people mosttimes, not so much.

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#71 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts


is it just me, or is this a very thinly veiled pro-PS3/anti-360 thread?

Maybe. I find funny how a level 4 has been acting like he knows more than a level 45 about what happened in SW 3 years ago.

most SW users I encounter are ignorant and have no idea of what they are talking about. I have been a gamer since atari and I alwasys research things about consoles and games...I don't ever remember needing a SW level to do research.

if you think most SW users are ignorant, perhaps you should leave the forums.
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#72 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts


If most system wars users are ignorant then why in the hell would you do research here? Surely there are better places to get your "data" from.


because people are always looking for something to bash or praise, with those tendencies people are always looking for information, good or bad the information is what is useful...the personal views of the people mosttimes, not so much.

i don't understand what you're looking for here...we've suggested answers to your original post, but you choose to ignore it. and as an aside, is this your 2nd or 3rd account?

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#73 playharderfool
Member since 2009 • 2085 Posts

Alot of xbox fans are bashing me for asking this question, changing the subject and everything elsebut be straight up with me,but I wanted an honest answer I guess that was too much to ask.

Your reactions are uncalled for if you didn't want to answer honestly you shouldn't have post in this thread. alot of you are trolling and off topic. If this is all I can expect from honest questions addressed this fanbaseI won't bother again.

I just don't know why you guys change from one hard nose way of thinking to another...but I don't care now. I don't have the paitence to deal with the type of behavior you people are showing.

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#74 fenwickhotmail
Member since 2004 • 7308 Posts
You've got the answer to your question, stop trolling.
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#75 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29845 Posts

Alot of xbox fans are bashing me for asking this question, changing the subject and everything elsebut be straight up with me,but I wanted an honest answer I guess that was too much to ask.

Your reactions are uncalled for if you didn't want to answer honestly you shouldn't have post in this thread. alot of you are trolling and off topic. If this is all I can expect from honest questions addressed this fanbaseI won't bother again.

I just don't know why you guys change from one hard nose way of thinking to another...but I don't care now. I don't have the paitence to deal with the type of behavior you people are showing.

'kay, bye.
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#76 onewiththegame
Member since 2004 • 4415 Posts

On System wars?

Just curious because I'm a research guy and look at alot places to gather information on stuff I'm interested in and since I'm a gamer I've been lead to SW many a time for just such information.

When all current gen consoles launched I came here from time to time to get info on how the systems were shaping up (before I had one) and 360 was unanimously considered the best console because of it's exclusive library of AAA titles.

When ever a PS3 owner would try to enter a plea that PS3's library was better using the exclusive AAE and AEtitles it had, they were greeted with the following comments:

"All those games are terrible",

"those game are trash compaired to 360's AAAE titles",

"Only good games count",

"PS3 has no games",

"just wait (referring to AAAE),

" A bunch of AAE and AEtitles don't don't stand up the the AAAE titles the 360 has"

ect...And it was agreed that only AAAE'scount for putting one systems library over another in terms of quality here on SW.

But now I see xbox fans putting AAAE+AAE+AE in arguments to say it's library is better. So I'm asking, why the change to thinkg? I also see them saying x number of AAE+AE titles = better than 1 AAAE title. If that's the case can't we also asume that x number of B,C,D and F quality titles = better than 1 AAAE title? And if that's the case why was PS3's library considered garbage back in 07?

The switch up is very confusing, I just want fans to explain this reasoning to me.


thats where you fail, cows never agreed.....untill they started getting AAAgames

both fanboy groups are guilty of this kinda thing

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#77 Nike_Air
Member since 2006 • 19737 Posts

AAAAE , AAAE , and AAE were always relevant on SW and they are tiered for a reason , but obviously Uncharted , Heavenly Sword ,Warhawk, and Resistance didn't count for much in the eyes of lemmings and sheep back when they had the AAAs like PDZ and WarioWare Smooth Moves and a few others. Those ps3 games needed to be bashed or ignored.No AAAE was apparently the funniest thing ever , but having no AAAAE or now noAAAE/AAE this year so far isn't such a big deal now .... right?And hypocrisy on the other side too.

The strangest shift is so many touting AE titles now. People are really dropping the standards now because things aren't going so well as of late apparently. Now if you're making the argument that it's a AAE exclusive on gamerankings and Gamespot rated it low , then that's cool and a point to be taken in ..... but A titles now on both Gamespot and Gamerankings ? Come on ! We might as well just go by amount of exclusives released and drop the standards even further.

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#79 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

Alot of xbox fans are bashing me for asking this question, changing the subject and everything elsebut be straight up with me,but I wanted an honest answer I guess that was too much to ask.

Your reactions are uncalled for if you didn't want to answer honestly you shouldn't have post in this thread. alot of you are trolling and off topic. If this is all I can expect from honest questions addressed this fanbaseI won't bother again.

I just don't know why you guys change from one hard nose way of thinking to another...but I don't care now. I don't have the paitence to deal with the type of behavior you people are showing.


It's pretty obvious that you are too thin skinned to have a resonable debate, especially if all you can do is ignore answers to your questions and then accuse people of being xbox fanboys when their answers don't make you happy... Good luck in your research.

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#80 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

AAAAE , AAAE , and AAE were always relevant on SW and they are tiered for a reason , but obviously Uncharted , Heavenly Sword ,Warhawk, and Resistance didn't count for much in the eyes of lemmings and sheep back when they had the AAAs like PDZ and WarioWare Smooth Moves and a few others. Those ps3 games needed to be bashed or ignored.No AAAE was apparently the funniest thing ever , but having no AAAAE or now noAAAE/AAE this year so far isn't such a big deal now .... right?And hypocrisy on the other side too.

The strangest shift is so many touting AE titles now. People are really dropping the standards now because things aren't going so well as of late apparently. Now if you're making the argument that it's a AAE exclusive on gamerankings and Gamespot rated it low , then that's cool and a point to be taken in ..... but A titles now on both Gamespot and Gamerankings ? Come on ! We might as well just go by amount of exclusives released and drop the standards even further.


I will continue to bash Heavenly Sword.It was utter garbage. But I agree about Uncharted.

The problem was that people said that the PS3 was supposed to be a showstopper at launch and the 360 was supposed to die. It didn't turn out that way and all of the ill will towards the PS3 in the beginning was well deserved. The PS3 is doing fantastic right now and that's great, but it certainly didn't live up to all of the hype in the beginning. So launching with a group of average to downright mediocre games for it's first year and a half, earned it it's knocks and I don't know why anyone is acting like it doesn't.

Coming out the gate the 360 did better than a lot of people thought, hell, many people didn't think the console would last as long as the original Xbox, yet it's been beating the PS3 consistantly for quite awhile now. That may change, but it doesn't give anyone an excuse to forget why exactly we are where we are right now. It is the absolute truth that the hardcore fanboys are total hypocrites and that is part of the issue here, I only wish it was the subject of a better thread from someone with less of an agenda.

That said, I'll kick anyone in the shins that says the PS3's current library isn't great though.

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#81 aaronmullan
Member since 2004 • 33426 Posts
AAs count, As don't. For example, this year two AAAs >>>>> 4 As.
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#82 MizFitAwesome
Member since 2009 • 2745 Posts

Once again, we are trying to push it all off on 360 owners, when it was alaways the cows stiring thins up.

Does anyone remember the 360 launch? The cows called the rntire library a failure because it had 1 AAA title and then said it was over rated. Now everyones attacking the Lems for doing the same thing. It's just the usual selective amnesia SW is known for...

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#83 aaronmullan
Member since 2004 • 33426 Posts

Once again, we are trying to push it all off on 360 owners, when it was alaways the cows stiring thins up.

Does anyone remember the 360 launch? The cows called the rntire library a failure because it had 1 AAA title and then said it was over rated. Now everyones attacking the Lems for doing the same thing. It's just the usual selective amnesia SW is known for...

Every fanboy does it. Don't think lemmings are innocent.
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#84 Nike_Air
Member since 2006 • 19737 Posts


AAAAE , AAAE , and AAE were always relevant on SW and they are tiered for a reason , but obviously Uncharted , Heavenly Sword ,Warhawk, and Resistance didn't count for much in the eyes of lemmings and sheep back when they had the AAAs like PDZ and WarioWare Smooth Moves and a few others. Those ps3 games needed to be bashed or ignored.No AAAE was apparently the funniest thing ever , but having no AAAAE or now noAAAE/AAE this year so far isn't such a big deal now .... right?And hypocrisy on the other side too.

The strangest shift is so many touting AE titles now. People are really dropping the standards now because things aren't going so well as of late apparently. Now if you're making the argument that it's a AAE exclusive on gamerankings and Gamespot rated it low , then that's cool and a point to be taken in ..... but A titles now on both Gamespot and Gamerankings ? Come on ! We might as well just go by amount of exclusives released and drop the standards even further.


I will continue to bash Heavenly Sword.It was utter garbage. But I agree about Uncharted.

The problem was that people said that the PS3 was supposed to be a showstopper at launch and the 360 was supposed to die. It didn't turn out that way and all of the ill will towards the PS3 in the beginning was well deserved. The PS3 is doing fantastic right now and that's great, but it certainly didn't live up to all of the hype in the beginning. So launching with a group of average to downright mediocre games for it's first year and a half, earned it it's knocks and I don't know why anyone is acting like it doesn't.

Coming out the gate the 360 did better than a lot of people thought, hell, many people didn't think the console would last as long as the original Xbox, yet it's been beating the PS3 consistantly for quite awhile now. That may change, but it doesn't give anyone an excuse to forget why exactly we are where we are right now. It is the absolute truth that the hardcore fanboys are total hypocrites and that is part of the issue here, I only wish it was the subject of a better thread from someone with less of an agenda.

That said, I'll kick anyone in the shins that says the PS3's current library isn't great though.

Games like Resistance , Uncharted , Heavenly Sword , or Warhawk were't average or mediocre though , they were great titles on both gamerankings and Gamespot and the majority of gamers seemed to agree.All you did was support my argument.That's how people looked at it when it wasn't really the truth. The hype for the console was irrelevant , every console was supposed to crush the other one in the fanboys minds. That didn't happen anywhere. That doesn't change a system's library of great games and the results.

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#85 ownage_denied
Member since 2008 • 871 Posts

I know some have given their opinion on the question asked, but I find it incredibly funny that others can only come up with attacks. What is the purpose of asking a question like is this your first account or are you bandodging? That makes it obvious that you are extremely defensive about this topic and may have been one of the ones making the crazy claims that the OP is talking about.

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#86 HarlockJC
Member since 2006 • 25546 Posts
Hertrix already ended this thread....some mighty fine posting there..might fine
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#87 TOAO_Cyrus1
Member since 2004 • 2895 Posts
So you only play AAA games? Thats only 2-5 games a year. Many AA games are great, A games not so much.
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#88 Rockman999
Member since 2005 • 7507 Posts

That's just how the Lemming breed is, they can dish it out but they can't take it.It's the same with the PS3's price, noone complained about the 360 when it was $400 with massive defective rates but as soon as the PS3 dropped to that price;it was suddenly too much for a console.I bet sooner or later we'll start seeing threads popping up about how $300 is all of a sudden too much for a PS3.I won't matter how many good games the PS3 gets, these monkeys will continue to bash it.Just learn to live with it and continue to enjoy the PS3's ever growing library of great games while these mongoloids continue with their whining.

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#89 dylanmcc
Member since 2008 • 2512 Posts

Unfair to single out one side. Anyway, I've always counted AAE and AE titles in arguments... it's not like AAAE are the only buyable games.

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#90 Rockman999
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[QUOTE="Next-Gen-Tec"]It's different for A, AA games. We don't mention B, C, D because those were clearly struggling to be good as it is. A games for e.g. are already good, but maybe because of something doesn't get the score it could have gotten but is still fun, AA games usually are almost as good as most AAA games.Next-Gen-Tec

What game is that in your sig?

Lol, Bad Company 2. I get a lot of these questions.

From now on you should just answer "a game that MW2 wishes it was as good as".

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#91 linkin_guy109
Member since 2005 • 8864 Posts

i like to take more of a real world approach with my system wars debates, when people try to say that any game thats not AAA million game seller highly praised isnt a good game theyre opinion becomes creditless to me, a game library has to range from games which can appeal to everyone, a gears of war or a littlebigplanet, to games that are obscure but still are worth adding to my game library, a heavenly sword of or a banjo nuts and bolts, diversity is key, score is not an absolute point and never ever will be, its an indication of what a game MIGHT be, not what a game is definately.

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#92 2beers_in_hand
Member since 2007 • 2950 Posts

I can see AAE titles because their good games but AE titles are trash and shouldn't be used.

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#93 Sword-Demon
Member since 2008 • 7007 Posts

people's perspective changes when they are/aren't "winning"

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#94 Gxgear
Member since 2003 • 10425 Posts

Why are the multiplats left out in arguments?

Because the sheeps will otherwise feel left out.

Lemmings- "console exclusives"

Cows- AAAE's

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#95 Malta_1980
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Since when AAebecame irrelevant?? I've enjoyed many games which got AA scores so imo they count when comparing games libraries...

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#96 surrealnumber5
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[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] Its system wars, fanboys become hypocrites. For instance those cows that were all about the "gamespot reviews are fail, they are teh BIAS" are now more than happy going by the gamespot review only rule with all the positive reviews Gamespot has given for PS3 exclusives. Hypocrites are part of the System Wars game, that's just how it is. WasntAvailable

My converstion with you is over!

you seem to have become angry and are posting material that is off topic. I'm not here to get into a fanboy argument with you if you can't answer the question logically and respectfully then just leave this thread. I don't care about the hundred million other topics you are trying to bring into this, I'm talkng about 1 subject and you can't seem to follow.

If this is how you respond to people who explain things correctly then you should not be making topics. You don't even seem to understand your own argument.

the truth hurts, thats why some people choose to ignore it
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#97 coolguy735
Member since 2008 • 489 Posts

So you're sayinggames likeFable 2 and Valkyrie Chronicles shouldn't be included in supportinga console's game library because a sole review didn't give them 9?

Cmon people, think for yourselves. We all know reviewers don't = 100% truth. For instance, Mirror's Edge got 7.0 on gamespot and I LOVED it. Far Cry 2 got 8.5 on gamespot and I hated it.