I love me a good campaign, especially with some co-op. But multiplayer just wins out for me. I can keep playing a good multiplayer game for far longer and more consistently.
For example, I loved Mass Effect 2. I played through it like three times. But after that I was pretty much done. I've got all the achievements aside from beating it on Insanity and I just don't think it's worth the trouble. I just got done playing through the Firewalker DLC and I planned to play a bit more of Mass Effect 2 after to play a little more as my evil character but I just don't feel like it. The choices you make have surprisingly little effect on the outcome of most events. The next bit of DLC is a party member for seven dollars which comes with just an hour long mission. Seven dollars for a hours' worth of gameplay just isn't worth it to me.
But here I am almost three years later and I still play Halo 3. Not near as much as I use to but I'm playing it more than I play Mass Effect 2 just two months after launch. No matter good ai becomes it just isn't half as interesting as fighting human opponents. And a game like Halo 3 has ALOT to do. There are tons of game types, maps, playlists. The game receives monthly match making updates and double exp events every weekend. There are holidays specials and the game's run has been sprinkled with occasional DLC(although I'll admit it could have been rolled out much better). Then you have saved films, file sharing, screen shots and the Forge map editor if you wanna get creative. With forge and cutom games you can tweak matches to your liking.
The only single player game I ever found as replayable as my favorite multiplayer games is Metal Gear Solid 3.
But I like a game that has a great multiplayer and a fun campaign, like the Halo series. It may be a little short but it's still good fun and I always enjoy going back and doing a bit of co-op.
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