@Vaasman said:
@kali-b1rd said:
@Shewgenja said:
@kali-b1rd said:
Therefore we should have a historic game with as many woman as men on the battlefield...
Read that again, for the class to hear.
God forbid something be based on a period of history and be accurate.
Nah you'd rather tits and virtue signalling instead.
We had nearly a decade's worth of WW2 semi-accurate games in the last 2 generations. Tens, if not hundreds of titles.
I don't think it will twist your nuts off if they make one that isn't the same thing.
Except it won't be one. its now both main-line franchises... and once its done, that's it, you can't take it back.
You already know this though.
@Shewgenja said:
@kali-b1rd said:
Ah yes, because gameplay mechanics that simply have to exist to make it playable is the same as replacing WW2 flags with "fake news" and adding in "Female Power" against a WW2 theme.
This debate can go around in circles.
Either way its funny because the lead designer has left the company and got shat on (well, he got paid well mind you) for calling people misogynsts for this.
Political Correctness and far Left obsessive "inclusion for the sake of inclusion" is losing its grip. can't wait to go back to sensible.
Here's a thought. Why aren't there videogames about manufacturing all the guns, bullets, boats, shells, airplanes, tanks, and bombs used in these wars? It's easy for guys like you to swing your balls around in these discussions but you think in highly reductive terms of not only women's accomplishments on the battlefield but completely dismiss their efforts outside the theatre of war despite their absolute necessity. Maybe Rosie the effing Riveter wants to take off her bra and splatter some Nazi brains in a game-o-Battleduty. . . But YOU, Mister, want your goddamn reality in your infinite bulletsponge entertainment festival. How's that for "being sensible"?
If you want a "World War 2 - Homefront Support Simulator 2018" then by all means, grab a group of people, fund it, and get it sorted, more power to you.
The rest is just weird, the gameplay-loops specifically revolve around the actual battles for OBVIOUS reasons, yea by all means, somehow incorperate outter-battlefield animations/moments which would fit your criteria, but for moment to moment, its clearly out of the scope of what actually happened (99.9% of the time.. gotta have that disclaimer before I get replies desperately grasping)
But this isn't limited to WW2 either.... it opens the floodgates to "f*ck what it was really like, we are going full Disney" to get a slight increase in sales or allow people who think they are more intelligent/virtous to smell thier own farts without caring about fact vs emotion.
Once that floodgate is open, and its the new "norm" you won't see authentic mainstream ones anymore, these companies will be too afraid to p*ss of the 3rd wave fem crowd.. and men that blindly defend it without thinking... for them browny points.
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