First off, Game Rankings does not indicate the greatest game ever, merely the highest rated games.
And second of all, there can not be a greatest game of all time. Why? Because there can not be a best game, a better console, or any of the like.
The only thing we can agree on, are facts. "Greatest" is opinion based, and therefore not fact. The only things that is factual regarding preference, are pros and cons, and even those can sometimes be traced down to your favorite genre of games, and even type of game making.
Now before you go all crazy about how there are absolutely no cons regarding SMG, know that although pros and cons never change, people's outtake on them is extremely varied. Therefore, why continue this pointless debating. I know it is the nature of system wars, but can't we ever discuss why we like or don't like games? Use logic instead of moral substitution?
Discuss. Or don't.
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