The Wii is no longer selling the most, but it's still up there.
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Why did the PS3 drop its price this generation?[QUOTE="tagyhag"][QUOTE="ironman388"]do you even know what a monopoly is?
Seeming that he questioned if you knew what a monoply is or not meaning your post didn't match his meaning of monoply, then he obviously think Monoploy is only a board game ;)
I'm still waiting for him to answer my question. :Psarcasm or not ,
fads dont last 5 years, and ,, wii still dominates, it may not sell more then ps3 360 in the charts, but overall it holds a lead that in order for ms it better sell wii 2 to 1 on a normal bases and 4 to 1 xmas time-which isnt likely,
360 is reached its peak as has all 3
they are pushing the limit by going 10 yrs,
and nintendos 3ds is coming , this could very well be the reason for wiis declining sales that plus every one has 1 or 2
and if you want to start saying kenict and move bla bla bla they aint even gonna sell to all their fanbase,
much less steal wiis sales , you cant do that , because wii already sold ,
you cant deduct because people buy move and kenict
and so far only 1 million kenicts are sold and 5 00 k more is on shelves
dont have the numbers for move but i can say its safe to say wii is the leader ,
and will continue until wii hd,or what ever console nintendo has coming ,
you do know , that nintendo doesnt intend wii for 10 yrs right,
because once wii hd is out forget counting 360 and ps3 against wii because wii would end its run ,
on top of the crowd,
the battle is really between ps3 and 360 nintendo and others have said that to bad you dont get it
nintendo said this back in 2006-nintendo is not competing with sony and ms directly they will just get more gamers involved and guess what genious,
they did that
they succeeded already,
by doing so sales is just a bonus for them remember for 3.5 yrs strieght nintendo made a profit or was it 4.5 -until the price drop id say
but even now they make profit
not off wiis but off accessories and games, wii has sold through more games -then ps3 and 360 have in their lifetime
it may not have as many million sellers but all the games add up
80 million sellers so far and growing to be exact,
so calling a wii a fad , is not gonna fly when the facts are wii is still selling stronger then nintendos gamecube
-and thats all nintendo cares about they dont really care if sony sold more units,
cause at the end of the day they made the profit needed to continue on ,
and now wiis got the games ,
so this discussion and all the other complaints have offically ended
if you can not find a game to play on either console this gen this far in , then i dont know what to tell you ,
cause all 3 have awsome titles,
i may have to put a flame sheild up
cause i know rabid fanboys will come
i dont call a console that does its job (5 yrs plus a fad) a fad is somthing that dont stay on shelfs for more then 1.5 -2yrs, that would be sega cd 32x saturn and dreamcast,
all of these have not been on shelves as long as they should have been
the only commercail failure in fact is virtual boy from nintendo and from sony-psx the hybrid that can play abunch of stuff and record stuff
xbox and gc were pretty neck and neck ,
so i cant call gc a failure when in fact it lasted 5 yrs -actually make that six,
it is in nintendos eyes but not in mine
In regards to being the mainstream video game juggernaut. This is not a qualitative analysis, whether you like the Wii or Nintendo games, but the future doesn't look too bright. Here's why:
The 3DS: Nintendo is not a big company. They have small, dedicated internal teams. With the 3DS push, could one say that many of the key Nintendo teams--the Zelda Team, after finishing SS and EAD Tokyo, who can be working on anything, with Miyamoto hinting on 3D Mario on the 3DS, could Nintendo's dev teams already moving onto the 3DS.
The Wi___ line: The Wii____ line has been gangbusters for Nintendo. With the exception of WiiMusic, they sold millions worldwide, however, the most recent--Wii Party didn't even chart on NPD. I hear it did respectably in Japan and I'm not aware of Europe's reception. But such a big drop off in a such a tentpole line seems troubling for Nintendo.
Competing mindshare from Move and Kinect: Now that the HD twins have some form of motion control, Sony and MS have essentially created a diversion for prospective, new customers. Would a gaming layperson, who has no idea about NPD, gaming sites, etc, easily be swayed away from a potential Wii purchase for a 360 with Kinect or a PS3, with additional BR functionality?
Again, this discussion is not about whether you like the Wii or not, but to see if this is a trend and what does this means for the industry.
Furthermore, even if sales drop to hell. Nintendo's strategy was brilliant. They became relevant again, avoiding obscuring that could've have easily happened after the Gamecube. They've shown everyone that a new market exist and can be catered to with great results and they've positioned themselves nicely for the next generation.Zune_HD
Nintendo is a small company? Nintendo is a HUGE company. Don't let the fact that they focus solely on gaming that they're small.
They have multiple development teams.
And Nintendo sales are still stellar, anyone who thinks they could have possibly maintained the sales they have the last few years are insane. Eventually Nintendo will saturate the market. Wii Party is a recent release, give it time.
In regards to being the mainstream video game juggernaut. This is not a qualitative analysis, whether you like the Wii or Nintendo games, but the future doesn't look too bright. Here's why:
The 3DS: Nintendo is not a big company. They have small, dedicated internal teams. With the 3DS push, could one say that many of the key Nintendo teams--the Zelda Team, after finishing SS and EAD Tokyo, who can be working on anything, with Miyamoto hinting on 3D Mario on the 3DS, could Nintendo's dev teams already moving onto the 3DS.
The Wi___ line: The Wii____ line has been gangbusters for Nintendo. With the exception of WiiMusic, they sold millions worldwide, however, the most recent--Wii Party didn't even chart on NPD. I hear it did respectably in Japan and I'm not aware of Europe's reception. But such a big drop off in a such a tentpole line seems troubling for Nintendo.
Competing mindshare from Move and Kinect: Now that the HD twins have some form of motion control, Sony and MS have essentially created a diversion for prospective, new customers. Would a gaming layperson, who has no idea about NPD, gaming sites, etc, easily be swayed away from a potential Wii purchase for a 360 with Kinect or a PS3, with additional BR functionality?
Again, this discussion is not about whether you like the Wii or not, but to see if this is a trend and what does this means for the industry.
Furthermore, even if sales drop to hell. Nintendo's strategy was brilliant. They became relevant again, avoiding obscuring that could've have easily happened after the Gamecube. They've shown everyone that a new market exist and can be catered to with great results and they've positioned themselves nicely for the next generation.sonic_spark
Nintendo is a small company? Nintendo is a HUGE company. Don't let the fact that they focus solely on gaming that they're small.
They have multiple development teams.
And Nintendo sales are still stellar, anyone who thinks they could have possibly maintained the sales they have the last few years are insane. Eventually Nintendo will saturate the market. Wii Party is a recent release, give it time.
I think he meant in terms of divisions. Sony has TVs, cameras, music, movies and MS has OS, phones, etc.Please Log In to post.
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