I feel that microsoft giving us an all in one entertainment box is a logical step forward, I feel if they simply delivered a powerful next gen games console people would be dissapointed that it didnt go the extra mile and deliver a more wholesome immersive experience. They are not reinventing the wheel here, what they do appear to be doing is utilising all the features that currently exist in someones living room and intergrating them to create a seamless and useful product. What on earth is the downside to switching seamlessly from television to gaming and using simple hand gestures and voice commands to navigate menu's quickly and efficiently.
Most of the complaints seem to be from the "hardcore gamers" that are angry because microsoft have not just created an awesome standalone games console, any company that did just that would be doomed to fail in todays competitive market. The hardcore gamers among us probably account for such a minimal proportion of the overall market that catering a product solely for them would be business suicide. The thing isnt even released yet and so many people are quick to dismiss it, its clearly going to be a great peice of kit microsoft would not release a sub par product in the current economic climate and I am pretty sure the RROD scandal has taught them a lesson or two about getting things right from release.
The people unhappy about the kinnect always being on have little to worry about in terms of privacy. The data protection act and numerous other common legislation mean that any data collected regarding your personal information requires your express permission to collect it. if its a problem for you read the terms and conditions and opt out, much like you can choose to do with applications downloaded from android marketplace on mobile devices. The idea that the kinnect will be listening to your conversations and watching your every move to collect data for marketing purposes are just absurd not to mention the legality issues. Microsoft are a company that want to sell you products, they have more than enough information gathered by monitoring the type of games you buy and movies you watch...and I have no problem with them doing this providing they give something back via personalised recommendations.
Not to mention the fact we have only been drip fed a few details, maybe wait for E3 before totally dismissing what I beleive is going to be a really fuctional piece of hardware, and a great console to boot.
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