I've already given you reasons why in previous posts..... do you have selective reading? Sony First Party. Indie Developers hate Xbox LIVE now, and like PS4/Wii-U/Steam More powerful console. PSN open architecture allows for genres that XBOX LIVE doesn't (E.G MMOs). And basically look a the last 4 years? But yes, im expecting a "This still is proven" generic response from you. When its a very valid theory. just because we don't know for certain doesn't mean you can't come to a logical conclusion based on current/past events. MS' whole attitude is "How many different ways can we get money out of the Xbox" Sony's was "How many ways can we get money out of the Playstation by Focusing on Gamers." this is not made up, this is the current direction of both. Microsoft forgot that making money through quality products that the user NEEDed, not what THEY THINK THEY NEEDED long ago .... Bill Gates should of stayed, Ballmer is waste. Windows Phone, Windows 8, XBOX ONE ... all products that are made around Microsoft not the consumor. its that simple. if you honestly believe that about Sony, I'm sure they'll have no problems getting you to drink the almond flavored Kool-Aid. They'll do the same exact thing as soon as they can afford to.... What are you even referring to? btw your sig is stupid as hell. Your sig is comparing paying for an online service to a free one with no ads to a payed one with ads. not that I care either way, but at least get your facts straight when trying to mock others... your reubutal to them is ironically kiddy level and completely missing the point. I honestly believe sony are focusing more on games.... its plain as daylight... I never said they are any less out-for-money than microsoft, what I said was their method is to focus on gamers, which FOR US GAMERS will result in better products, more games ... Meanwhile, Microsoft waste 400 million dollars on Fantasy Football crap that will only be available in the US, expect us to pay for the extended box to do so and have overall less games, just like the second half of this generation. How you can spin that any other way is beyond rational.[QUOTE="MBirdy88"][QUOTE="always_explicit"] Where are these quality games on alternative consoles, please educate me if I am missing something but there is this general assumption that the X1 will have no decent games and I am unsure why or how people have reached this conclusion???Bruce_Benzing
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